Being Crazy

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Brandon POV

As the months passed, I just keep counting the days. The days until I turned eighteen. Finally the end was in sight, I would turn eighteen next week. I was sitting on Callie's couch, just thinking of what it would be like to be there with her all the time. Callie came in and saw me sprawled out on the couch.

Callie- I see you've made yourself comfortable

Brandon- you want me to leave?

She came over and sat on the couch with me.

Callie- no, you know your birthday's next week

Brandon- I know.. it is my birthday

Callie- ha ha..

Brandon- I've already talked to my moms about it, and.. I'm moving out when I turn eighteen next week

Callie- are they okay with that?

Brandon- not really, but I've made my decision.. they can't do anything about it

Callie- well.. the offer to move in here is still open, if you want it?

Brandon- I wouldn't want to be anywhere else

Callie- I just hope your family comes around, you know?

Brandon- yeah me too

Callie POV

It was Brandon's birthday today, I wasn't exactly invited to the house for his birthday this time. Stef and Lena were still upset, Brandon encouraged me to come to the house anyways but I opted out of it. I didn't want to make a scene or have an argument so I talked Brandon into just coming by the apartment afterwards so we could have a private celebration. Brandon came over but he was much earlier than I expected, he was also very upset. I could tell something had gone wrong at the party, he was also carrying bags with him.

Callie- did something happen?

Brandon- yeah, something did

Callie- how was the party?

Brandon- it wasn't a party, it was more like an ambush. My parents cornering me and trying to tell me..

Callie- I'm sorry Brandon

Brandon- its not your fault, I just.. I want to get out of here

Callie- what do you mean get out of here?

Brandon- get out of town, tonight just you and me

Callie- where?

Brandon- anywhere, my parents will come here and try to drag me home

Callie- we can't just leave Brandon

Brandon- why not? my parents will never accept us Callie

Callie- they just need more time..

Brandon- we have given them plenty of time, I'm done trying to make them happy. I love you and I want to be with you.. forever, lets go away tonight.. and get married

Callie- get married? that's not going to solve anything Brandon

Brandon- they need to realize were serious about each other

Callie- Brandon.. this is crazy, even for us

Brandon- do you love me?

Callie- Brandon

Brandon- do you?

Callie- of course I do

Brandon- then marry me

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