Trying Again

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Callie POV

I woke up this morning feeling extremely good. It had been a few months since we lost the baby, we had gotten back to our regular schedules again and were healing from the loss.  I finished getting dressed and headed out to the kitchen where Brandon was already eating. 

Callie- good morning

Brandon- morning, looks like you woke up in a good mood today..

Callie- it would have been better if I woke up with you next to me..

I came behind him and wrapped my arms around him. 

Brandon- sorry, I just couldn't sleep in today..

I leaned around to him and we shared a kiss, then I went to get a glass of juice.

Brandon- your not having coffee today?

Callie- ah.. no

Brandon- you feel okay?

Callie- yeah, actually I feel great

Brandon- good

Callie- um.. do you have a minute to talk..

Brandon- I wanted to talk to you about something too..

Callie- oh.. okay, you go first

Brandon- well.. I've been thinking about maybe going back to school

Callie- you mean going to college?

Brandon- yeah.. you know get a degree, it would help me get a better job and.. you could go back too, you always talked about going for photography..

Callie- I just didn't know you still wanted to go to college so badly..

Brandon- its not that I have to I just thought.. now that the baby's not..

I looked away from him, trying to hold back from crying.

Brandon- I'm sorry.. I didn't mean..

Callie- no.. I get it.. its just..

Brandon- what?

Callie- I kind of had a different idea of.. our future

Brandon- so.. you don't want to go back to school?

Callie- I think.. I want to try and get pregnant again

Brandon- oh..

Callie- but.. you don't want kids anymore?

Brandon- no, no its not that.. I just feel like its kind of soon to be talking about this again, its only been a few months since..

Callie- I know but.. why should we wait, I want to have a baby Brandon..

Brandon- honey.. your still grieving, I think you just want to have another baby to replace the one we lost..

Callie- maybe I am.. in a way but.. is that so wrong? if another baby makes me happy, helps me heal from this loss, is it wrong for me to want that?

Brandon- no baby but.. I don't think we should rush into anything, I have to go to work now.. we can talk about this later

Callie- yeah, sure

Brandon POV

I was lying in bed on my stomach with my face buried in my pillow. Callie came in and sat on the bed next to me. We didn't say anything to each other, then Callie started rubbing my back and kissing my neck.

Brandon- Callie..

Callie- what? your not too tired are you?

Brandon- no, its just we don't have any.. protection left.. I didn't get a chance to buy..

Callie- so what?

Brandon- what do you mean.. so what?

Callie- that dosen't have to stop us..

Brandon- Callie.. what if you get pregnant?

Callie- so what if I get pregnant..

Brandon- wait.. is this about what we talked about this morning? your trying to get pregnant

Callie- Brandon, I want a baby

Brandon- Callie, we said we would keep talking about this.. I didn't agree to anything

Callie- well.. why not? why can't we have a baby?

Brandon- I don't think.. its the right time right now 

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