A New Beginning

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Brandon POV

After I had put the idea out there the entire mood of the room changed. I could tell Callie was thinking about it carefully in her mind, considering every possibility. Getting married is something we had never talked about before. We had discussed being together long term, living together but never marriage.

Brandon- well?

Callie- I just don't want to hurt anyone else by doing this

Brandon- I don't either but Callie.. us getting married shouldn't be about anyone else.. but us

Callie- this is just happening so fast.. I..

Brandon- say yes, say yes and we can get out of here.. go get married.. we can tell everyone tomorrow 

Callie- are you sure this is what you want?

Brandon- I have never been more sure of anything

Callie smiled.

Callie- yes

Brandon- yes?

She nodded her head, we kissed and shared a hug.

Callie POV

After I agreed I packed a bag and we left the apartment. We drove a few hours away and got to the courthouse just before it closed. The ceremony was simple and to the point, not exactly a dream wedding but I had never really been one of those girls that had planned ever detail of my wedding from age twelve. After we got our marriage certificate we left the courthouse and checked into a motel. We were currently lying in bed, I looked over at Brandon sleeping next to me. I slowly got out of bed and slipped on Brandon's shirt that was lying on the floor. I picked up the clothes on the floor and laid them across the chair. It was two in the morning but I just wasn't tired, I crawled back into bed resting my head on Brandon's chest. He slightly woke and wrapped his arm around me, I stared at him until I eventually fell asleep in his arms.

I woke up and the sun was streaming through the window, Brandon was already awake and watched me as I started to stir.

Callie- good morning

Brandon- good morning, I thought you would never wake up

I leaned over and kissed him.

Brandon- we made it Callie, no matter what we had to fight against.. were here.. together 

Callie- it dosen't seem real

Brandon- I'll get a job and eventually we can move out of the apartment..

Callie- and get a house..

Brandon- and make beautiful babies..

I smiled and Brandon started kissing my neck, we were interrupted when Brandon's phone went off. He reached for it, his face dropped when he looked at it.

Callie- who is it?

Brandon- my mom

Callie- you should pick it up, we have to tell them eventually

Brandon- your right

Brandon picked up the phone, I completely dreaded their reaction to us eloping. I really didn't want this to put a rift between the family.

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