Home Sweet Home

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Brandon POV

John- so it has three bedrooms, two baths and big backyard..

Callie and I were looking at a house with our Realtor John. We had been staying with my moms for a few months and felt like it was time for us to find our own place again. Callie thought we should try to find another apartment but I was leaning towards getting an actual house, especially now that we had Colleen.

John- plenty of space for kids.. how many children do you have?

Callie-um.. just one

Brandon- it's really nice and its only a five minute drive from the family..

John- it's wonderful neighborhood

Callie- can we have a minute to talk.. alone

John- sure, I'll be upstairs if you need me..

John left the room.

Brandon- it's a great house..

Callie- we don't really need this much space

Brandon- well not right now but when Colleen gets older or we have more kids..

Callie- it's out of our price range..

Brandon- we can afford it, now come on.. your out of excuses

I moved towards her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

Callie- okay.. lets make an offer on the house

Brandon- yeah?

Callie- yeah

John came back into the room.

John- I hate to rush you but I have another appointment in a few minutes..

Brandon- oh yeah sorry.. and we'll take the house

Callie POV

I crawled into bed next to Brandon. It was our first night in the new house. 

Brandon- Colleen asleep?

Callie- yeah.. finally

Brandon- so the baby's asleep.. were alone

Brandon started to kiss my neck.

Callie- yeah.. I guess we are alone

We started kissing and Brandon removed his shirt. I heard Colleen start to cry over the monitor. We both stopped what we were doing.

Brandon- every time..

Callie- shes been crying a lot lately

I got out of bed and headed into the other room to check on her. I picked her up out of the crib.

Callie- oh.. what's the matter baby?

When I picked her up and felt her head, she was really warm. Colleen continued to cry.

Callie- Brandon!

Brandon came in the room.

Brandon- what.. what is it? 

Callie- shes really warm, I think she might be running a fever..

Brandon- here let me feel her..

Callie- somethings wrong Brandon, somethings really wrong!

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