What To Do

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Brandon POV

Brandon- you can't travel at all.. until the baby is born?

Callie- that's what the doctor said..

Brandon- what are we gonna do? 

Callie- I don't know..

Brandon- well.. we just won't move, we can just stay here

Callie- no, you have to take that job.. can't you just explain to them..

Brandon- they said if I'm not there by Monday morning they have to find someone else

Callie- then you have to go.. without me

Brandon- I don't wanna leave you here alone..

Callie- I'll be fine, I won't be alone.. I'll stay with the family until I can travel

Brandon- what if something happens with you or the baby and I'm not here..

Callie- nothing's going to happen, maybe it will be better this way.. you can go and get everything ready for us before we join you

Brandon- are you sure about this because..

Callie- you have to go.. its a chance of a lifetime

Callie POV

Me and Brandon stood in the airport, his flight was about to take off. It was taking everything inside of me not to stop him from leaving. If I asked him to stay he would, but he would resent me for it in the long run. 

Brandon- my flights gonna take off soon.. you okay?

Callie- yeah, of course I am..

I adjusted the collar on his jacket, trying to put on a brave face for him.

Brandon- the time will go by fast.. and I'll be back in a few months so we can meet that baby..

Callie- yeah.. I know

Brandon- I love you.. more than anything

Callie- I love you too..

We shared a kiss, I could barely keep myself from crying.

Brandon- names..

Callie- what?

Brandon- we never decided on names.. for the baby

Callie- we can talk about it later..

Brandon- there won't be time before I come back..

Callie- well we already talked a little about girl names..

Brandon- yeah but we haven't even thought of any boy names yet so..

Callie- we.. we don't really need to talk about boy names..

Brandon- what do you mean we don't.. we're having a girl?

I didn't say anything just smiled.

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