Far Away

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Brandon POV

I was getting ready for work, I looked around the apartment. It only had a few pieces of furniture in it and the walls were bare, but that wasn't the real reason it felt empty. It was empty because Callie wasn't here with me. The job at the music center was great, I loved the work and the pay made life a lot easier. My phone rang, I picked it up.

Brandon- hello?

Lena- Brandon, you need to come home..

Brandon- why? whats going on?

Lena- its Callie.. shes gone into labor..

Brandon- what! shes not due for another two weeks..

Lena- her water broke, we're at the hospital.. Brandon.. this baby's coming now

Brandon- okay.. I'll..um.. get on the next flight and be there as soon as I can

Callie POV

I laid in the hospital bed, the pain was nearly unbearable. Stef was in the room with me, the rest of the family was in the waiting room. After a minute Lena came back into the room.

Callie- did you call Brandon?

Lena- yes, I told him whats going on

Callie- when's he gonna be here?

Lena- honey, he.. he's taking the next flight out but..

Stef- he probably won't make it in time

Callie- no.. he has to be here, I need him here

Stef- I know sweetie.. we'll be here to help you though

Brandon POV

The second my flight landed I rushed to the hospital, hoping someway I could still make it in time. When I entered the hospital I found the room and entered it. I saw Callie sitting up in the bed, holding the baby.

Brandon- hey

Callie looked up at me and smiled.

Callie- hey.. come over here

I came over and sat next to the side of the bed.

I looked down at the small baby wrapped in a pink blanket. She had my eyes and Callie's nose.

Brandon- shes amazing.. are you okay?

Callie nodded, she looked at me and saw the disappointment in my eyes.

Callie- whats wrong?

Brandon- I can't believe I missed it..

Callie- you didn't know the baby would be born two weeks early..

Brandon- I should have been here.. I promised I'd be there for this baby and I blew it

Callie- oh.. Brandon, your here now.. you want to hold her?

Brandon- yeah..

She handed the baby to me.

Brandon- what are we gonna name her?

Callie- I want to name her Colleen.. after my mom

Brandon- I think its perfect..

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