Living Again

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Brandon POV

After reading the letter from Callie I knew I had to get my life back under control. After talking with moms we decided that it would be good for Colleen and I to move in with them for a little while. Little did any of us know that seven years later, we would still be there.

Colleen POV

I woke up in my room and looked around. This was the room my mother had once shared with Aunt Marianna, and I was sleeping in the bed she had once slept in. I glanced over at the calendar on the wall and remembered what today was, my tenth birthday. I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs to the kitchen. Everyone was there, gathered around the table and waiting for me.

Lena- here she is


We ate breakfast, but the whole time I couldn't help but stare at the pile of presents across the room. Finally we finished eating and it was time for gifts.

Brandon- here open this one first

Daddy handed me a a small box, I opened it and pulled a small gold coined necklace out.

Brandon- that was your mothers necklace, she got it from her mother when she was ten and wanted you to have it on this birthday

Brandon POV

Colleen came in my room later that day and sat on the edge of the bed.

Brandon- did you enjoy your birthday?

Colleen- yeah, it was great

Brandon- I see you wearing the necklace

Colleen touched the necklace and looked down at it.

Colleen- what was she like?

Brandon- she was.. amazing and kind.. and smart, beautiful.. 

I briefly thought back to the moment when I had first said those words to Callie, right before our first kiss.

Brandon- she was a lot like you

Colleen- I don't really remember her.. but I wish I did

Brandon- well you were only little when she died but.. I can tell you about her, anything you want to know

Colleen- it might take awhile.. I have a lot of things I want to know

Brandon- we have plenty of time, go for it..

Colleen- did she like music?

Brandon- yeah.. she played guitar, you know what I think I still have that guitar some where

I got up and dug around in the closet for a minute, I finally found it shoved to the back of the closet. I pulled out the dusty thing and brushed it off before handing it to Colleen. She took it and tried to play it.

Brandon- here, put your finger like this and then strum..

She smiled at the cord she had made.

Brandon- that's the G cord

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