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Callie POV

Lena stared at me and waited for a response. I took a deep breath before answering her.

Callie- I'm pregnant Lena

Lena- are you sure?

Callie- positive

Lena- oh.. wow, wasn't really expecting that

Callie- neither was I, this is why we have to get the family back together.. I can't stand the thought of this baby growing up without aunts and uncles, grandparents..

Lena saw I was about to cry, she laid her hand on mine.

Callie- I want this baby to grow up better than I did, you know?

Lena- we'll figure something out, I'll talk to Stef.. it will be okay I promise

Callie- okay

Lena- so.. what did Brandon have to say about all this?

Callie- I haven't told him yet

Lena- you should

Callie- I know.. I'm just.. worried how he will react, we didn't exactly plan this right now

Lena- I'm sure he'll be happy

Brandon POV

Brandon- Callie! I'm home!

Callie came from the bathroom, I leaned in to kiss her.

Callie- don't kiss me right now.. I just threw up

I gave her a kiss on the forehead instead.

Brandon- your feeling sick again?

Callie- yeah

Brandon- you really need to go to a doctor Callie, I mean it this time

Callie- your right I do need to go to the doctor, but I already know whats wrong

Brandon- what? what is it?

Callie- nothing serious, I'm just.. pregnant

Callie POV

I was feeling better today but still had dizzy spells from time to time. It also didn't help I was at work today, flipping burgers mad me want to throw up even more. I turned to take the next customers order and realized it was Wyatt.

Callie- what are you doing here?

Wyatt- do you have a minute to talk?

I motioned him over to the side.

Callie- what do you want?

Wyatt- I just wanted to say.. I'm sorry about what I said last time

Callie- I know you think that I've turned into some helpless wife..

Wyatt- I just.. honestly coming back here I thought we might have a chance to.. reconnect

Callie- well I hope you know..

Wyatt- yeah.. I know, your married.. I'm just not sure you seem so happy

Callie- you got here a few weeks ago, don't assume you know anything about my marriage..

Wyatt- Callie I'm just..

I suddenly felt another dizzy spell coming on, I braced the counter.

Wyatt- are you okay?

Callie- I'm fine

Wyatt- are you sick or something?

Callie-  not really.. I'm just pregnant

Wyatt- wow.. um.. congratulations

Callie- thanks

Wyatt- are you.. happy about it?

Callie- yeah.. I am, I'm actually starting to get a little excited

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