A Relationship Tested

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Callie POV

What could Talya possibly want? I knew she couldn't just steal Brandon away from me but I didn't want even bringing up her name to ruin tonight for us.

Callie- Brandon whats going on? what did Talya want?

Brandon- just sit down.. we'll talk about it

Callie- I don't need to sit down, just say it okay.. your scaring me

Brandon- Talya called me a hour ago and told me she just found out.. she has an STD

Callie- what?

Brandon- shes not sure how long shes had it so.. she thought I should get tested

Callie- oh my God..

Brandon- that's why I was late, I went to get tested before I came here

Callie- well do you..

Brandon- I won't get the results for a couple weeks

I hugged him.

Brandon- you know this means we can't.. you know tonight, like we planned

Callie- yeah.. I know

Brandon POV

Since me and Callie couldn't do what we had planned tonight, we had to settle for just watching a movie together. We sat on the couch, she was actually watching the movie but I was focused on watching her. I was afraid this thing with Talya had made her cold to me. After sitting there for awhile I picked up the remote and shut the TV off.

Callie- hey.. what are you doing?

Brandon- we need to talk about this?

Callie- what?

Brandon- your upset about what happened

Callie- I'm not, really Brandon

Brandon- I just.. I'm sorry okay

Callie- Brandon.. it dosen't matter, even if that test dosen't come back with the results we want.. we'll get through it

Brandon- your amazing

Callie- not really.. when you first told me I started to get angry inside, I wanted to lash out and yell.. but then I thought of you and how you must be feeling and how you have never for one second held my past against me.. I don't really have the right to hold anything against you.

Brandon- I love you

Callie- I love you too.. that's why I know were gonna be okay

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