New Beginnings

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Callie POV

I got out of the car and started heading into work. I was feeling a little discouraged today, I took a pregnancy test this morning and it came out negative. I had been trying to get pregnant for a few months now, with no luck. 

Wyatt- hey

Callie- hey, what are you doing here?

Wyatt- oh.. I was just gonna grab some coffee before work..

Callie- oh..

Wyatt- I.. I heard about the baby

Callie- yeah.. well

Wyatt- I'm sorry

Callie- thanks

Wyatt- how are you?

Callie- I'm okay..

Wyatt- why don't you grab a coffee with me..

Callie- ah.. I can't.. not really drinking caffeine right now

Wyatt- oh.. why?

Callie- well um..

Wyatt- are you.. are you trying to get pregnant?

Brandon POV

Brandon- Callie I'm just tired tonight

Callie- my levels are high tonight I think we should..

Brandon- just not tonight okay.. tomorrow

Callie- fine just forget it

Brandon- don't be mad..

Callie- I just didn't know I was in this alone

Brandon- your not.. lets just talk about this in the morning okay

I rolled over and turned the light out.

Callie- what if somethings wrong with me

Brandon- we haven't been trying that long..

Callie- its been two months, when I got pregnant before it only took a few weeks and I we were using protection at the time..

Brandon- it will happen eventually..

Callie- I just feel like somethings wrong with me..

Brandon- well how do you think I feel Callie.. you want to have a baby and I can't get you pregnant..

Callie- maybe were both just trying to hard..

Brandon- I'm just afraid, without a baby you will never be truly happy and eventually you'll..

Callie- what? leave you? Brandon I promise no matter what happens in our lives.. we will face it together, okay?

Brandon- okay

I leaned in and kissed her, she pressed her lips back to me harder. I kissed her neck and we took our shirts off. I fell back on the bed and she laid on top of me. we continued kissinf harder and more intense. 

Afterwards we laid in bed staring at each other. I ran my fingers through her hair and she caressed my face. 

Callie- we just made a baby.. I know it

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