Disaster Strikes

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Callie POV

Callie- New York!

Brandon- yeah

Callie- New York is so far away

Brandon- I know.. but this is a big opportunity Callie

Callie- our life is here though Brandon, our family is here..

Brandon- I may never get another chance like this, to be able to teach piano and..

Callie- do we have to make a decision right now, we need more time to think about this

Brandon moved towards me putting his hands on my face and forcing me to look in his eyes.

Brandon- look if you don't want to go, all you have to do is say the word.. and we won't

Callie- Brandon.. I know how important this is to you, how much you want this..

Brandon- but..

Callie- I don't want to go

Brandon- okay

Callie- your upset..

Brandon- no.. I'm not.. promise

He leaned in and kissed me.

Brandon- I have to go

Callie- now? its nearly dark out..

Brandon- yeah well I picked up some extra shifts at work, with the baby coming we could use the money so..

Callie- okay.. I love you

Brandon- love you too

I watched him put his coat on a walk out the door, I could tell he was upset about New York. I just wanted the baby to grow up here around family. Maybe it was wrong of me to hold him back from fulfilling his dreams, he had already given up so much for me. The rest of the night I just went through the motions, eating dinner, getting ready for bed. I tried to wait up for Brandon to come home but I feel asleep anyway.

A noise jarred me awake later that night. I looked over at the clock, it was almost one in the morning. I assumed Brandon must have finally gotten home, I climbed out of bed putting my robe on. I headed out to the living room, the room was still dark I wondered why he hadn't turned on the light when he came in. Brandon's back was turned to me, but I saw his shadow moving across the room. It looked like he was doing something with the TV, trying to unplug it or something. I reached for the light.

Callie- Brandon

As I turned on the light, the man spun around and I saw now the man wasn't Brandon. I realized someone had broken in. The man froze for a second then sprang into action coming after me. I grabbed the metal curtain rod leaning against the wall and swung it at him. He reacted just as quickly though and grabbed it from me. I tried to get to the door but he grabbed my arm and slammed me against the wall. When I hit the wall I blacked out.

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