I Want You

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Brandon POV

Callie and Colleen came home from the hospital today. We were still staying with my moms, the rest of the family were out for the afternoon leaving me Callie and the baby by ourselves. Callie was still exhausted so she feel asleep on the couch downstairs. I was supposed to be back in New York next week, Callie and the baby would be able to travel soon after. I heard Colleen start to cry upstairs, Callie heard to and started to stir on the couch.

Callie- shes awake..

Brandon- you rest, I'll get her..

Callie POV

After Colleen woke me up I hadn't been able to fall back asleep. Things were quiet upstairs so figured Brandon had gotten her to stop crying. I got up and headed upstairs. When I got there I stood back in the doorway of the room for a minute watching Brandon and Colleen. Brandon sat in a chair by the alcove and held Colleen, talking to her. I stood back a minute and listened.

Brandon- you know this house is pretty special.. I grew up here and.. I met your mom here, and this room.. I used to have a keyboard right over there, maybe you'll play piano someday.. or guitar like mommy..

Callie- hey

Brandon- your supposed to be sleeping..

Callie- I couldn't..

Brandon- you'll regret it tonight when she keeps us awake

Callie- just give me my baby

Brandon handed Colleen to me.

Callie- I can't believe how incredible she is.. after we waited so long for a baby

Brandon- I know.. I've actually been thinking about that..

Callie- about what?

Brandon- about how we waited so long to have a family and now that we do.. I'm uprooting us to go to New York

Callie- your n..

Brandon- Callie.. I know you don't really want to move

Callie- you deserve that job..

Brandon- this isn't just about me.. its about what our family needs.. and I think we need to stay right here

Callie- I don't wanna hold you back.. I feel like I've already kept you from so much..

Brandon- forget New York! and College and all those other things you thought you took from me, Callie.. all I ever wanted.. was to be with you

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