Happy Birthday

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Brandon POV

Brandon- hey Callie, you here?

Callie came from the bedroom.

Callie- hey

She came over to me, wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me hard.

Brandon- woah.. what was that for?

Callie- its your birthday

Brandon- anyways, are you ready to go?

Callie- I don't know, do I look okay?

Brandon- yeah you look great, why are you so nervous?

Callie- I'm just worried its gonna be awkward tonight, do they know I'm coming?

Brandon- yeah I mentioned it to my moms

Callie- oh.. I feel like I'm gonna throw up

Brandon- just relax okay, I'll be right there with you 

Callie- okay..

Brandon- come on lets go

Callie POV

I became more anxious on the car ride over to the house. When we finally got there Brandon started to get out of the car, but I didn't make a move.

Brandon- hey

Brandon grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze.

Brandon- you okay?

I took a deep breath.

Callie- y..yeah

Brandon- look if your really that worried then you don't have to go in

Callie- no, your right we have to deal with this eventually

We both got out of the car and headed towards the house, Brandon put his arm around me and rubbed my back as we walked up the sidewalk. We entered the house, I turned and saw everyone in the dining room conversing. When we came in everyone stopped talking and turned to see us. 

Lena- hey, there you are

Brandon- are we late?

Lena- no, dinners not quite ready yet anyways

Dinner went surprisingly well, there were a few uncomfortable moments but it was working out. Brandon took my hand underneath the table several times throughout the meal, it was his way of making sure I was okay. After dinner was over everyone drifted into the living room, I saw Stef heading into the kitchen I followed her. She was cleaning dishes in the sink.

Callie- need some help?

Stef- you can dry if you want

I picked up the dish towel and stood next to her at the sink.

Callie- so.. um.. is it okay that I came tonight, I mean..

Stef- I'm glad you came

Callie- oh.. its just we haven't talked since the other night and.. I don't know, I thought maybe you wouldn't want me to come

Stef- I want you here Callie, I wish you were here all the time.. we miss you

Callie- yeah I miss seeing you guys everyday, but I can't come back Stef.. I can't live here again

Stef- sure you can, you could have come home a month ago.. if you wanted too

Callie- its not that simple

Stef- you could make it that simple

Callie- can you please just try to accept this.. please

Stef- I am trying Callie, harder than you know but.. I can't.. Callie I think right now you and Brandon are just caught up in something, or the idea of something between you but over time I think your regret this

Callie- I don't expect you to understand this, I know you think me and Brandon are having a.. fling. I understand from your point of view it may look like that, but were not.. were serious about each other. 

Stef- you've only known each other for a few months Callie, you've only been.. together for a few weeks. I just don't believe you can be that serious, I can't believe that this will last more than a few months.

Callie- well I guess we'll just have to prove you wrong then

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