Confronting The Issue

926 35 15

Brandon POV

I was in the kitchen when Callie came through the door. She was more tired these days and cried herself to sleep every night. I was determined to find a way to make her better.

Brandon- hey, where you been?

Callie- I decided to stop working..

Brandon- that's probably a good idea, to take time off.. until you get better..

Callie- I'm not just taking time off.. I quit

Brandon- what? why?

Callie- because I don't want to spend whatever time I have left working

Brandon- don't talk like that

Callie- like what, Brandon

Brandon- like your running out of time!

Callie- I am running out of time!

Brandon- no! your going to get better.. we just have to find a doctor..

Callie- I've been to dozens of doctors! they all say the same thing.. I'm dying

Brandon- your giving up!

Callie- I'm not giving up, I'm facing this

Callie POV

Brandon turned and headed upstairs, I followed him up to our room. When I got there Brandon was sitting on the bed his back turned to me, I sat down next to him placing my hand on his. 

Callie- Brandon..

Brandon- I can't.. I can't do this without you

I leaned into him and we rested our foreheads together, remaining in silence for a moment.

Brandon- I remember what life was like before I met you and.. I don't ever want to live that way again, you make everything so much better.. you make me better

Callie- I'll always be with you, okay?

He nodded, we were both close to tears. We had finally come to terms with the fact that I would get sicker and in a few short months there would be something else keeping us apart yet again. I leaned in and kissed him wanting to stop time and linger in that moment for awhile longer. That afternoon we laid in our bed and made love for the last time.

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