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Brandon POV

I came in the apartment after work, the place was quiet. I saw the phone blinking, there was a new message on the answering machine. I pressed the button and listened to it. 

Stef on the answering machine- Hey Callie I just wanted to let you know I found another box of baby stuff in the attic, I cleaned them up so you can just pick up those boxes whenever you get a chance. okay bye honey

It felt good to know the rest of the family was as excited as we were about the baby. Callie had been acting a little strange the past few days though. She was so excited at first but yesterday when I tried to talk to her about it she was quiet not saying much. I made my way to the bedroom and saw Callie napping on the bed. I leaned over to her on the bed and gave her a kiss on the cheek. After I did this she started to move and wake up.

Callie- hey

Brandon- hey, sorry I didn't mean to wake you up

Callie- oh.. its okay, what time is it

Brandon- almost five..

Callie- oh my.. I've been asleep for hours

Brandon- that's okay, your allowed.. I noticed you didn't get much sleep last night

Callie- I just was throwing up a lot you know.. morning sickness

Brandon- right.. um.. mom left a message on the machine, she has more baby stuff..

Callie- right, can you just call her back and tell her I'll pick it up later

Brandon- okay, I was thinking we should get the crib out of storage.. you know get things ready again.. 

Callie- we don't have to do that right now, I mean we have plenty of time

Brandon- yeah I know I just thought..

Callie- just not yet.. okay

Brandon- is everything okay Callie? is there something your not telling me, nothings wrong with the baby is there..

Callie- no, no.. the baby is fine, its just me

Brandon- somethings wrong with you?

Callie- no, not physically.. just, I don't want to get overly excited about this baby until were sure everything's gonna be okay..

Brandon- your afraid somethings gonna happen like last time

She looked away from me.

Brandon- that's not gonna happen Callie

Callie- you don't know that..

Brandon- I know that this time.. everythings gonna work out, we are not leaving that hospital without a baby

Callie POV

Brandon- so everything's good.. with the baby

Callie- yeah the doctor said everythings right on schedule

Brandon- great, next time you have a doctors appointment I want to go with you

Callie- that would be great

Brandon- um..

Callie- what?

Brandon- something happened today..

Callie- what, what is it?

Brandon- no, nothing bad.. I got a call earlier, about a job offer

Callie- job offer?

Brandon- yeah, its teaching at a music school

Callie- oh my God.. Brandon that's great

I hugged him.

Brandon- yeah it pays good and I would be able to spend more time with you and our baby

Callie- I'm so happy for you, what music school is it? I haven't heard of any place like that around here

Brandon- that's the problem.. its not around here, its in New York

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