Taken From Me

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Callie POV

I could feel it, today was my last. When I woke up I knew that I would die today, I shared this with no one but was happy that it was Saturday and the whole family was over visiting today. I could hardly breathe without the oxygen hooked up to me anymore, my body ached and I was relieved I would go soon as the pain from the growing tumors were beginning to become unbearable to live with. Brandon came in the room completely unaware of what I knew.

Brandon- you okay?

Callie- I want to see Colleen..

Brandon- okay.. I'll go get her

Brandon left the room to get Colleen, Stef who was in the hallway came in the room to help me sit up in bed. Brandon returned a minute later and placed Colleen on my lap then Brandon and Stef returned to the hallway only seeing me through the doorway of the room.

Callie- hey baby.. you are so amazing, I don't know how someone like me could have made someone so perfect but.. your gonna be happy and have such a good life

I gave her a kiss on the forehead, she looked up at me and listened.

Callie- I know what its like to lose your mom.. but your gonna be okay because you have daddy and whole bunch of other people to love you.. mommy loves you so much baby

Brandon POV

As I watched Callie talking to Colleen from the hallway I realized this wasn't just an ordinary conversation, I realized what Callie was doing.

Brandon- she's saying goodbye, isn't she?

Callie motioned me back into the room after she was finished, mom took Colleen from Callie and left the room.

Callie- Brandon.. I'm gonna be okay, I know I will.. I just need to know that your gonna be okay

Brandon- I don't think I can promise that

Callie- you need to be strong, Colleen needs you..

I nodded, a tear slipping down my face.

Callie- one good thing about this, I get to see my mom.. I miss her so much, when I see her I'm gonna tell her all about you and Colleen and the family..

Brandon- I wouldn't change anything, every moment we spent together

Callie- I wouldn't change it either, not for anything

Brandon- I love you so much

Callie- I love you too, you have made me so happy.. but its time for me to go now

I held her hand, she took her oxygen mask off and looked at me until she closed her eyes and took her last breath. I collapsed onto her crying, it was over.. she was gone, taken from me.


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