Our Last Dance

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Callie POV

I felt so helpless, I felt more strength leave my body every day. I asked Jude to come see me today, he had been reluctant to come before now. I think he was scared to see me and wasn't really owning up to the seriousness of my condition. I heard Jude slowly open my door, I gave hima smile as he came in trying to reassure him. 

Callie- hey buddy

Jude- hi

He remained at the doorway, not coming any closer.

Callie- come sit with me, we haven't had time to talk in awhile

Jude slowly came over to the bed and sat with me, I saw him eyeing the oxygen machine hooked up beside me.

Callie- don't be scared.. its just to help me breathe

Jude- you can't breathe on your own?

Callie- I can.. just not for a long period time, the machine makes it easier for me

Jude- are you gonna get better?

Callie- no baby.. I'm not, I'm going to die

Jude- but you.. you can't.. you have to be okay

Callie- Jude listen.. I know what your thinking but.. you don't need me anymore Jude

Jude- yes.. yes I do!

Callie- no Jude, 8 years ago you were this.. scared, insecure little boy, who needed his sister to protect him.. but that little boy, he's not here anymore.. you are strong and independent, you have a family Jude.. and I know that you are gonna be so happy

Jude- I still need you 

Callie- you know all those years after mom died, I always thought it was my job to take care of you but what I didn't realize is you were really the one taking care of me.. you kept me going Jude and gave me a reason to go on when I wanted to die

Brandon POV

I was really starting to get scared now, Callie seemed to be slipping away so quickly. I was afraid one day I would wake up and she would be gone altogether. She slept most of the day, the few hours she was up she spent with me or Colleen or another member of the family. I brought a tray of food up to Callie, She opened her eyes and smiled when she saw me come in. I sat the tray down by the bed.

Brandon- how you doing?

Callie- better now

I touched my hand to her cheek.

Callie- Brandon..

Brandon- yeah?

Callie- I've been thinking about this a lot and I want you to know.. after I'm gone you'll grieve but eventually.. you'll find someone else

Brandon- no.. Callie, 

Callie- I want you to be happy, I don't want you to be alone for the rest of your life..

Brandon- I don't want to talk about this right now!

Callie- I'm running out of time to talk about this Brandon!

Brandon- there is no one else!.. there never will be

Callie- yes there will.. so just promise me when the time comes you'll keep your heart open

Brandon- I will never love anyone the way I love you

Callie- nothing will be the same.. but it dosen't have to be the same as what we had to be good

I nodded playing along with her, but thinking to myself that there would never be anyone else. I could never love anyone but Callie.

Callie- will you do something for me?

Brandon- sure.. what is it?

Callie- will you dance with me?

Brandon- dance? right now?

Callie- yeah, please..

Callie was to weak to even stand up anymore, I unhooked her oxygen and picked her up in my arms. Gently moving around the room as she clung to me with her face buried in my neck, I cherished this moment.. our last dance.




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