What Could Have Been

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Brandon POV

It was a few hours later, Callie could come home from the hospital. I helped her into bed at our apartment, moms had offered to come by and stay with us for awhile but we reassured them we would be fine.  

Brandon- are you comfortable?

Callie- yeah

Brandon- here's the pills from the doctor.. if you start to feel pain, I'll get you a glass of water

Callie- thanks

Brandon- do you want anything to eat or..

Callie- I think i just want to rest for awhile right now..

Brandon- okay

I sat on the edge of the bed and took her hand.

Brandon- I can stay with you for awhile.. until you fall asleep

Callie- I'd rather just be alone right now

Brandon- okay

I got up and headed for the door.

Brandon- I'll be right out here.. if you need anything, I love you..

Callie- love you too

I looked back at her one more time and then went for the door.

Callie- I'm sorry

Brandon- what?

Callie- I'm sorry about the baby.. I know how much you wanted..

Her voice started to break, I came back over to her and sat on the bed facing her.

Brandon- you don't think.. you know what happened with the baby isn't your fault, right?

Callie didn't answer, another tear just slipped down her face.

Brandon- oh baby.. there is nothing you did to cause this or anything you could have done to prevent it from happening.. you heard what the doctor said..

Callie- I know, but I still feel like its my fault..

Brandon- its not, don't think that for one minute!

Callie POV

After Brandon left the room I tried to sleep but just couldn't. I rolled over on my side and saw the crib in the corner of the room. I got up and made my way over to it, I touched the rail of the crib and picked up a baby blanket laying inside of it. I lifted the blanket to my face as the tears continued to fall.

Brandon POV

I made some food for dinner, I didn't really feel like eating. Callie probably didn't either, I went to the bedroom to check on her and see if she wanted something to eat. I saw her asleep on the bed, She had the baby's blanket spread over top of her shoulders. She must have gotten it from the crib, I grabbed a sheet from the hall closet and covered the crib with it. At least now we wouldn't have to look at it.

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