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After the long weekend I was excited to get back to school. I liked going to school a lot more than most people but that was only because I didn't do anything else. It was my time to get some fresh air. Now the key words being that I liked going to school not sitting in class or doing school work.

Sitting in class was awkward for me. I always felt like someone would be watching me and I'd do something embarrassing. Or even worse, the teacher would call on me. Don't get me started on presenting for projects.

I decided that I'd wear my hair down as I sat in front of the mirror. Usually I left it curly and tied it back in a bun but I didn't want to continuously put that much stress on my hair and, more importantly, my edges.

I took about thirty minutes just to blow dry my hair and I couldn't help but smile at how long it had gotten since the last time I straightened my hair. It's been about a year.

I put on a pair of jeans and a bandeau with my favorite black zip up hoodie. "You look nice." Nadia complimented me when I stepped onto the kitchen.

"Thank you, so do you. Looks like we had the same idea with our hair." I pointed out. She had straightened her hair out too. Our hair was about the same length but we just had different textures.

"You ready for all the white people asking what we're mixed with?" She asked with a laugh.

"No." I giggled. "I have it worse since I'm so fucking light. Just wait till it stars getting cold and I lose my tan. I'm really gonna look white." She pouted. Nadia is Algerian and Somali. Her dad is hella light and her mom is brown skin, slightly pushing dark skin. She got her complexion from her dad but she looked like her mom.

"Sucks for you!" I laughed. "Rude."

"I'm just kidding. I understand you though. I really hate how white girls will walk up on me asking me where I'm from and when I say America they act like I'm wrong or something. Then when I say I'm black they're like 'no what are you mixed with you can't be just black'." I ranted.

My parents are black people from Trinidad and Cape Verde. They act as if Had I said this they would even know where these places are. What they want is a break down of my genetics because they think black women can't have long hair or we all have the same hair texture.

"I can't stand that shit...you ready to go?" She asked.

"Yeah, but i have to stay later on campus so I'm gonna take my own car."

"Okay, let's get out of here. We can't be late for class."

I got to class like ten minutes before Nadia arrived since she decided to stop at Starbucks. I thought about going there to but convinced myself I wouldn't have time. Meanwhile I really did. It was a good way to show how Nadia and I are different honestly. She was always willing to take a risk. I was always worried about not having the opportunity.

The day trickled on rather quickly but as 3:30 approached my stomach started to churn a bit. I was nervous, Well more nervous than usual. I don't know why, it's not like I haven't been here.

I sat on a couch outside of the lecture hall and contemplated whether or not I even wanted to go to class. I mean would anyone notice if I didn't? Probably not. I'm sure Professor Nixon won't be looking to see me either, so I might as Well just skip. He probably won't even realize that I'm not there.

I don't feel like being outside longer anyway. With that thought in mind, i adjusted my book bag on my shoulders and left. With the free time i now had i decided to go home and just go to sleep.

I practically flew back my apartment, took out the chicken breast from the freezer, and then got myself comfortable. I didn't plan on going back out so I showered and got in my pjs.

Once I was actually in my bed I finally checked the time. It was 4:45. Wow it's crazy how time flies. Had I actually gone to class I'd be just getting out of class.

I laid down and got comfortable with my bonnet on and a pair of footie pajamas when my phone buzzed. I'd gotten an email surprisingly from Professor Nixon.

'Hi Genesis,
I noticed you weren't in class today. Is everything alright? Let me know if you need anything...

Xavier Nixon'

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