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Xavier and I departed for our weekend getaway to the city at 11am Friday morning. We left from his house and stopped for snacks before getting on the road. The ride was going to be four hours. I suggested we take turns every hour but he didn't even want to hear the idea.

No more than thirty minutes into the drive he got off a random exit and took it all the way until he pulled up into the lot of random landing area. There was a single small plane waiting. "We're flying?" I smiled.

"Yeah, Paris Lent me her plane for the weekend."

"I want to be so rich that I can lend my lawyer a plane." I giggled. "I'm shocked that your family doesn't have one."

"My mother has two. She was busy this weekend."

I laughed harder at that. We made our way onto the plane and he entertained my corny mile high club jokes all the way on.

As soon as we sat down he whipped out his laptop and got to typing. I furrowed my eyebrows but decided not to say anything. I instead tended to my phone. I had four messages unopened.

One from my mother, one from Nadia, and two from Mason. I got around to Masons last and laughed as soon as I opened the text thread.

He asked where I was and sent a picture of my empty seat beside him. I quickly replied letting him know I was going home early for the weekend, but would FaceTime him later if I got the chance.

He so gracefully began to update me on all of the people we often observed during class. There was Mini skirt Mandy, Snow suit Sam, and Balenciaga Bill. The names were exactly what they implied.

"What are you over there giggling about?" Xavier asked.

"Mini skirt Mandy leaned over in front of the Professor today and he gasped so loud the whole lecture hall heard him." I laughed. "Who's Mini Skirt Mandy?" He asked with an amused smile.

"Don't worry when it's your turn to cover the professional development class you will know exactly who I'm talking about. Mason and I made up the name for her."

"You know, you and Mason are warming up to each other pretty nicely."

"Yeah, it's safe to say we're friends now."

"Is that who you're texting right now?"

I furrowed my eyebrows and nodded slowly. "Yeah. We talk all the time." I shrugged. "Luna I'm gonna be honest, he rubs me the wrong way." Xavier said.

A frown took It's place on my face. Mason was growing to be a good friend of mine and of course I want my boyfriend to be cool or okay with him. "What do you mean? Masons a sweet heart."

"Mason looks at you like you took the time out to place every star in the sky." He deadpanned. "No, you've got him all wrong. We're just friends and he actually likes someone else."

"Did he ever ask you out?"

"He made a few passing jokes sure."

"Luna those were not jokes. Do me a favor? Keep him at arms length."

I didn't want to be that kind of person who pushed her friends away for their significant other. But I wasn't about to make Xavier uncomfortable by bringing Mason closer. Mason had just become someone I could lean on though in a non romantic way. He cheered me up on a couple bad days.

I was just starting to actually consider him my friend. I could understand Xaviers apprehension and I wasn't going to argue with him.

"I promise Mason is not a threat of any kind."

"That's what he wants you to think. And then in a few weeks he's gonna be telling you about the girl he likes while describing everything about you."

His tone was more condescending than it was angry. "Are we speaking from experience?" I teased. He frowned in response.

I sighed heavily as I got up from my seat carefully. I moved his computer into the seat next to him and sat on his lap. He looked up at me, still frowning. "It would just make me more comfortable if you put a little more distance between you and him." He sighed.

"Okay. You don't have to worry. Consider it done, I'm all yours. Well you may have to worry about me around one man..."

His grip on my waist tightened and his frown deepened. "What?" He gritted out.

I unlocked my phone and pulled up the new picture Rome Flynn posted. "Do you think he'd reply If I messaged him?" I joked.

His jaw clenched for a second as he looked at the picture and I swear his eye twitched. I burst out into laughter. "Thats not funny." He grumbled.

"Oh but it is. Maybe I should just give it a shot and--"

He snatched the phone out of my hands and shoved it into his pocket. "Im kidding, Im kidding." I laughed. His frown never wavered so I used my two index fingers to lift the corners of his mouth into a smile. "Im just playing with you."

"Yeah you won't be laughing later." He mumbled. I kissed his pouted lips and made move to get up. "Don't be so dramatic, my love."

He didn't let me go, he instead held on tighter and kissed my jaw. "Stay."

I adjusted my position so that I was sitting on the seat beside him with my legs hanging over his. "I think I'm gonna take a nap."

I pulled my hood over my head and made my self comfortable.

Our ride was as short as could be expected. I silently thanked him for cutting the trip short by having us fly. We were met at the airport by one of Paris' drivers who then escorted us to our hotel. "Is Paris In the city too?" I asked when we arrived at The Ritz. I didn't know much about New York City, but I know that this hotel is one of the most expensive in the entire city.

"Yeah, she has some marketing event to attend. So she figured as a thanks for helping her out, that she would help me get everything together for our weekend."

I nodded with an impressed smile. He checked us in and we went up to the thirty-second floor. He was just casually scrolling on his phone as if we weren't on the 32nd floor of the Ritz.

He led us to our room and I was immediately in awe. It was a beautiful hotel room even down to the shiny floors. "You get settled in. Ive Gotta take this call, its my mother."

I nodded as I roamed around with my mouth hanging open from shock. The first thing I looked at was the floor to ceiling mirrors lining the living room. The view was so nice, but it made me a little nauseas when I looked at how high I was a from the ground. It probably looked even better at night. The further I walked the more muffled the sound of Xaviers rapid spanish sounded.

The bedroom was equally as nice with floor to ceiling windows, a large kind sized bed, dark brown wood furniture, and a nice sitting area. The bathroom was equipped with a large tub, a shower, and double sinks. It smelled extremely sterile.

I couldn't help but smile as I walked back into the bedroom. I did a little spin before settling into the love seat. I wonder if he's ever done this for anyone else. Maybe Lilliana. He probably did things like this for her and ten times more. I mean he was in love with her after all.

I tried to shake those thoughts out of my head. I wasn't about to get mad that he treated someone as well as he does me. I mean I'd be crazy to be upset about the past. "Bebé, where'd you go?"

"In the bedroom."

He found his way into the bedroom with a little smile on his face. "My mom wanted to know if we wanted to grab lunch with her?"

" Lu-lunch?"

"I was already supposed to go to lunch with her, but I told her that you were with me because of school related things. She suggested we join her and Aria for lunch." He clarified.

"Um okay. Let me just find something to wear."

XavierWhere stories live. Discover now