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Xaviers POV

I regretted my words the minute she slammed the door. I wanted to go after her and apologize and tell her that I did trust her. It wasn't her, it was him. He was the problem and I wish that she could see how he was coming between us.

But was he? Or was I just jealous that he could be with Luna whether that was romantically or not and I couldn't?

I had to check myself when she left. I fucked up and I knew it. I let the day pass before I called her to apologize. She didn't answer. It didn't even ring.

I thought that I Had really made her so upset that she blocked me until she returned my call. I was in a meeting so I wasn't able to answer. We tried to talk over the phone a couple more times but weren't able to.

As the week went on I continued to mope but I managed to get my work done. When Sunday came I found my way into my office to get some work done. I've been sat at my desk all morning grading exams. It's taking me way longer than necessary because I can't seem to keep my mind focused for longer than ten minutes at a time.

I rolled my shoulders back and sighed before picking up my phone. I miss Luna and that argument was one hell of a way to show it. If she were here right now, she'd make me a snack and help me with grading. I could just imagine her sitting in the chair across from me peering through her glasses at the pages in front of her. She always bit the end of her pen when she was really focused.

I was pulled out of my reminiscent thoughts by the sudden ringing of my phone. "What's up Aria?"

"Hi big brother!"

"What do you want?" I asked skeptically. "What makes you think I want something?"

"You usually call and remind me that I'm your older brother when you need a favor." I shrugged.

She laughed at my counter before staking her claims. "I was wondering if I'd be able to have a movie night at your house."

"You can't do this at your dorm because..."

"My roommate is having her boyfriend over. Paris was supposed to host but Cairo decided to throw a party, so now she can't."

"Who's supposed to be coming?" I asked curiously. "Just me, Paris, and Luna."

"Luna you say?" I asked. "Like my Luna?"

"I wouldn't call her your Luna but yes her."

This would be a perfect opportunity to speak to her. "You can have it here. Just try not to be too loud I'm grading papers."

"Have I ever told you that you're the best big brother ever?" She asked. "No you have not. I'll talk to you later."

I could hear her laughter even after I pulled the phone from my ear and hung up.

My focus continued to shift between the papers in front of me and random pictures of me and Luna. By the time 6pm rolled around, I still had 8 exams left to grade.

I turned my phone off and spent the next hour finishing up my grading. I let out a huge sigh of relief when I finished and pushed away from the desk.

The sun is finally setting and my need for food is becoming more prominent.

I made my way out of my office and over to the kitchen. I tucked my hands into my pockets as I shuffled through the house. The closer I got to the living room the better I could hear the tv and the sound of Paris and Arias laughter. "Why would he say that!?"

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