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(Luna's POV)

"Thank you lord for gathering us here today. Thank you for this food, this family, these friends...."

I started to check out as my mother blessed the food. After her four minute speech was over she finally said, "Amen."

I let out a quiet sigh of relief when I finally let go of my brothers sweaty hand. I watched out of the corner of my eye as he wiped his hand on his lap. On the other side of me, Nadia sat awkwardly.

She'd barely uttered a word to me since her and her parents showed up. I couldn't be bothered to press her about what her problem was.

"How's school ladies?" Nadia's mom, Nadirah, asked. "Frustrating."

"I can't complain." I shrugged. "Have you applied for any internships or anything?" My dad asked.

"No, there is one that I want to apply for but it opens in March." I shared. "What about you Nadia?"

"I haven't found one that fits me just yet. But I'm hopeful that I do soon."

"How is school for you, Lucas? I bet you can't wait to graduate."

"It's good and you are absolutely right. I'm trying to play ball at UCLA next year.  I'm just waiting for an offer."

I tried to hide the surprise I felt after he said that. I didn't know he wanted to go to UCLA. I knew he was thinking about it but I was under the impression that he wanted to go to a school closer to home. "Why not closer?"

"I just like what they have to offer." Lucas shrugged. I looked toward my mom silently questioning weather or not she knew of his goals.

She only offered a tiny shrug and soft smile in response. Almost as if to say, "don't worry".

"What are you thinking of studying?" Quincy's mom asked. I was still in a state of shock that she showed up. Looking very well put together might I add.

Although my dad told me she would be coming, I was still surprised to see her when I opened the door. She flicked some of her long, dark hair over her shoulder. The light curls in her hair looking amazing in the wind. She also brandished a cream sweater, dark jeans, and chunky booties . She looked a whole lot better than the last couple of times I'd seen her.

However I could still see darkness under her eyes and when she hugged me I got the scent of beer and cigarettes. She'd clearly attempted to hide it with perfume. But it was there mixing together.

I didn't pass any judgements, she wasn't as put together as she used to be. What else can I expect after what she's been through?

Everyone questioned Lucas intently about school and I sat quietly eating my food. Nadia still made no move to speak or utter a word. I tried not to let it bother me and continued to laugh with my family.

When dinner was done, Lucas, Nadia, and I helped clear the table and started cleaning up while our parents went into the living room to chat. "Nadia can you pass me the rest of the dishes?" I requested as I washed another plate. She sighed heavily as if she was annoyed and grabbed the rest of the pots and pans.

She sat them in the counter rather roughly and I furrowed my eyebrows. "What's your problem?"

"I don't have a problem." She bit back.

"And that's why you've been walking around with an attitude all day?"

"Precisely." She replied curtly before making her way out the kitchen.

Lucas looked over at me from where he stood wiping down the stove. He raised a questioning eyebrow and I shrugged. "I don't know and quite frankly I'm starting not to care. I don't feel like her attitude right now." I responded.

After Lucas and I finished cleaning up we joined everyone back in the living room. Our parents all had some form of a drink in their hands.

Nadia was sat in the far corner of the room typing on her phone. She must've drove here with her parents. I can't imagine that someone who seemingly didn't want to be here would hang around after dinner for any other reason.

"Thank you my babies." Mom cooed as we entered the living room. "No problem, mom. I think I'm gonna head up and get ready for bed. Had my fill of socializing today." I said with a light laugh.  I heard Nadia scoff in the corner and saw her rolling her eyes.

"Yeah im sure. You never usually last this long." She joked. "I'm surprised you actually came to eat with us at all." Nadia remarked sarcastically. "I mean you really aren't one for anything...enjoyable."

"Why show up if you were going to sit around mad the whole time? What are you even mad about?"

"I'm not mad."

"Whatever. Like I said mom I'm gonna head up. I'm glad I got to see y'all, Goodnight."

Once I got to hug Nadia's parents and Quincy's mom, I went right upstairs. I have never been one for the guessing game. If she wanted to mope around and act like I did something to her she could do that by herself.

Hopefully she got over her little fit soon because we did drive here together. If I have to endure the passive aggressiveness in the car for an hour, I'll spontaneously combust.

I got myself ready for bed and by the time I got to lay down I was so tired. As my eyes closed my phone started to ring. I groaned loudly and rolled over to grab it. Much to my surprise it was Xavier calling. It had to be like 2am where he was. I answered and pressed the phone to my ear nervously. "Xavier?"

"Luna." He answered. The tone of his voice as he mumbled my name made butterflies erupt in my stomach. "Is everything okay?" I asked as I sat up a little.

"I forgot to tell you happy thanksgiving." He said. His words slurred slightly and he let out the most adorable hiccup when he finished. "Are you drunk?"

"Maybe a teeny bit."

"A teeny bit? Really?"

I couldn't help the small smile that formed at his response. "Mhm."

"Are you safe, do you want me to call someone for you?"

The idea of him being somewhere not in the right state of mind made me feel uneasy. "I'm in my Grandmothers backyard."

"Is she okay?"

"No. Im not sure she'll make it through the night."

"Drinking to feel better?"


"I know from experience that it never quite works." I sighed.

He let out a sigh of his own. "Starting to realize that."

I let out a soft laugh at that. "I know I shouldn't be calling you like this. But I just thought...never mind what I thought. I'm sure your tired and stuffed and I should let you go. I should've never called." He started to rush out his words and they only became more slurred.

"No, no! It's okay...really. I'm listening if you want an ear."

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