Birthday Girl! Prt. 1

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Before I start:
Actually, I requested this story to Winterhere2021 one day. She did an amazing job. She is my inspiration in writing this book. As a thank you, I decided to revise the story. Same plot, same story but there are few changes. Hope you like it!

<In the lair>
(Leo's POV)

"Guys! Today is (your date of birth), let us make this day special for (Y/N). Make sure the decorations will be pleasing to the eyes!" I said as my brothers helped me to decorate the lair. Today is my special someone's birthday. Not Karai, but my one and only (your full name).

We became friends when we fought the Kraang and she was also going out for patrol. I admired her martial arts skills and especially her beauty. She is a skilled kunoichi. I couldn't get her out of my mind ever since that day. It's pretty obvious to my brothers and to my sensei and they kept on teasing me about my feelings for (y/n) but still, until now, she doesn't know this yet. This will be a perfect opportunity to confess.

"Looks like Leo had an extra effort for his guuuurlfrieeeend!" Argh! Here we go again, Mikey started it again. That made my face turned red as a tomato.

"Just snap your shell it out, Mikey! I'm going outside and I'll pick her up. Remember to turn off the lights to surprise her. Just show up when we arrive." I instructed.

"We got that, fearless." Raph said as he finished the balloons.

When I went out of the sewers, I hid on a corner where no one will see me. I brought out my T-phone and contacted (Y/N). After a few rings, she answered.

"Mushi-mushi?" (a Japanese manner in saying 'hello' when answering a phone)

"WHERE ARE YOU?!" I shouted at the mouthpiece due to my excitement.

"L-Leo, I think you just broke my ear drums." (Y/N) mumbled.

"Oh sorry. I will be coming to your place. We will go to the lair. You know what... I-I'll p-pick you up." I tried to be sound confident to hide my nervousness. I always get nervous when I'm talking to her.

"Really?! Okay! I'd love to. Thanks captain!" she said and she hanged up the phone.

When I'm about to leave, there are some foot soldiers showed up. I pulled out my katanas and prepared myself for a battle. But I don't know how did they managed to block my attacks and made me drop one of my swords. While fighting, my birthday present for (Y/N) dropped somewhere. That made me lost my focus.

Now, I found myself down. The last one I saw before passing out is Tigerclaw, saying,
"You are coming with us... turtle."

(Y/N's point of view)

Two looong hours after Leo called me. Here I am in my apartment, wearing my favorite blue dress and still waiting for him to come. I tried to contact him but he's not answering. Actually, I dialed his number maybe 23 times.

"Maybe, he's late or something. I better go to the lair." I said as I stood up and carry my bag to go outside. When I arrived at the corner where the manhole cover was found, I saw a katana and a box there. Who's crazy just to left his or her things at this area?

When I observed the objects, the handle of the katana is so familiar to me.  This is Leo's! Why is it here? Did Leo dropped it? Then, at the blue box near the weapon, it says, "To: (Y/N), Happy Birthday! From: Leonardo <3"

This things really belongs to Leo! Something weird is going on here. I immediately enter to the sewers while fear and worry crept in my mind. I reached the turtle's lair and—"


"IS LEO THERE?!" I suddenly interrupt them by asking the question. As everybody froze like statues,  Mikey even dropped a pizza with (number of your age) candles on it. Donnie finally answered my question.

"He's not here, (y/n). He said he's going to pick you up."

Leo's not here. Then it leads me to one conclusion.

"Could it be..."

"AHHHHH! Leo's been kidnapped!" Mikey shouted with his lungs out.

"You are right, Mikey. Let us stop the party first, Leo is missing." I said as the turtles and I started on tracking their older brother.

To be continued...

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