Why Women Wash The Dishes? Prt. 3

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A moment later, April and Casey arrived. They were both surprised to see Leo and (Y/N) sitting silently on the table with their eyes closed.

"What happened?" April asked.

"I don't know! We just encounter them like this and we don't know what happened!" Mikey replied in panic.

Casey thought of an idea. "I can fix this! My grandpa is a herb man. He taught me how to cure this kind of unexplained illnesses." he said.

Casey the herb man (in training) came to check the motionless, silent boyfriend and girlfriend sittin' at the table. He declared that they were...

"BEWITCHED!" okay, he finshed my sentence. Everyone in the lair were shocked.

"Are you sure about that?" the purple genius turtle asked. We all know Science can't prove curses and spells!

"I'm a hundred percent sure!" Casey replied. He brought out nine pieces of leaves from the tree in the dojo, one piece of pepperoni from a left over pizza and a little scoop of ice cream and put all of the ingredients altogether in a bottle. "Now, I had an antidote!"

Donnie leaned to Raph and whispered, "Is that looked like an antidote? With those gross ingredients?!"

Raph lift his shoulders as a sign that he don't know what is going on. They continued watching Casey working on. He let out of a gasp. "I believe their souls were taken by a witch."

"You mean Shinigami?" Mikey asked but was smacked by Raph on his head.

Casey poured a small mixture on his hand and wiped it on the foreheads of Leo and (Y/N). Little they didn't know, the two were trying not to puke in disgust. Later, Casey started to chant some words then turned on a radio and start dancing very very weird while chanting even louder.

"Come back, Leo.... Come back, (Y/N)..." he chanted.

The rest did the same too. They danced all around the table—even Master Splinter. Leo and (Y/N) were just watching them, holding their laughs. In order to ignore everyone, they both closed their eyes again.

>>>insert Spongebob

They were still dancing

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They were still dancing.

They were still dancing and dancing

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They were still dancing and dancing.

They were still dancing and dancing

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And they are still dancing!

Soon, all of them got tired

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Soon, all of them got tired. (Same as with the narrator) But nothing happened.

Casey stood up, "This is the first witchery of it's kind that I have met! By their silence, I believe their dead..."

"Even though they're breathing?" Donnie asked while checking Leo's air way.

"Yup. Their spirits were driven away by the witch. The only thing to do in order to keep their souls in peace and to prevent this from spreading among us is to bury them."

"Wait, did you just say 'bury'?" Raph asked in disbelief.

"No. I said 'berry'!" Casey joked around. Splinter had no choice. He ordered his three sons to look for boards and make two coffins. In no time, the two coffins, made of planks, hurriedly nailed together, are now finished.

Raph, while in tears, easily lifted Leo and places him inside his coffin. Surely, Leo knew he would win the wager. He would not be aftaid of being buried. He was trained to escape from burying alive without being noticed. He is a ninja after all! That will we a perfect plan to frighten everyone when he returned from his grave! On the back of his mind, he was worried for his girlfriend.

(Y/N), on the other hand, was afraid that everyone will force her into the coffin if she will not shoo them away. But she don't want to talk. She hoped Leo would object to them lifting her into the coffin. But no, she was carried by Mikey and about to put her inside. Leo is not reacting! She must do something.

(Y/N) pushed Mikey, got up to her feet, and shouted, "Don't bury us! We're not bewitched! And most of all, we are not freakin' dead!"

Leo leaped to his feet. He looked everyone in victory, "She talked first! (Y/N) talked first!"

Everyone on the lair were dumbfolded. Except for Splinter. He knew the two were only playing along.

"I don't get it." Mikey said like he just listened to Donnie's Science talk.

Leo jumped out clapping his hands and saying, "We had a wager. Now she will always wash the dishes."

(Y/N) accepted her defeat. She had no choice but to collect the dishes and wash them on the sink. Suddenly, arms were wrapped around her waist.

"Mind if I help you?" Leo asked with a smile on his face.

"But the wager—"

"(Y/N), all of these happen because we don't usually do things together." he said as he kissed her onher forehead... though it tastes like ice cream.

"I love you, Leo. Now I had to add these chore on my to-do list." (Y/N) said. "I'm sorry for everything." she added.

"Me too. I love you too." Leo replied as they wash the dishes together.

But because of this incident, women were the ones who do that chore. Things may be a little bit hilarious but I know that will teach is a valuable lesson. Well, thanks to my grandpa.

The end~

Who is my grandpa anyway?

It's Casey.

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