The More You Hate Her Prt. 1

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(Leo's POV)

"See you in two weeks, Leo." Raph hugged me as he helped to pack my things up.

Master Splinter gave me a mission to explore myself to improve my ninja skills. He said he will going to teach my brothers how to handle a situation without my leadership.

Donnie came into my room and handed my phone. "Here is your T-phone, Leo. In case you need us—"

I was going to grab it when my sensei snatched it from Donnie's hand. "No gadgets!" he said.

"This is more worse then bein' grounded, dudes." Mikey commented.

Actually, I don't unserstand why Splinter assigned me to go but I need to obey him. Sensei put a hand on my shoulder, "Be careful, my son. If you find or realize nothing on your journey, I will not hesitate to assign you again."

"Hai Sensei." (Yes, master.) I anawered. I was about to leave—

"Be more obsevant to your surroundings."

"Hai Sensei!"

"Beware of Kraang or Foot."

"Hai Sensei!"

"Don't let any stranger sees you."

"Hai Sensei!" then I left the lair. But before I close the manhole cover,

"And make sure that you'll bring a girl on the lair, I desperately wanted a grandchild!"

What? Was Sensei joking? I didn't mind it. I ran and hid on the shadows. Running from rooftop to rooftop and I have a long journey to go.

While walking, I heard fighting noises in a nearby rooftop. I saw a girl— a kunoichi rather, fighting some Kraang and she was just cornered.

I didn't hesitate to help her. At first she was surprised and she brought back her focus on the battle. I realized this girl is using a katana too.

After a several slashes and kicks, all Kraang are down and few of them retreated. I looked at the girl. It seems that I was captivated by her beauty. She has dazzling (eye color) eyes, and her hair dances with the breeze.

I found myself staring at her when I felt a sting on my right arm. It's an injection and it's liquid came in to my body.

"Kraang!" the beautiful kunoichi said as she threw her katana and knocked down the robot who aimed the injection at me.

I started to feel dizzy and everything was turning dark. I saw her looking at me worried and I felt myself slipping into the darkness.

(Few Hours Later...)
<(Y/N)'s POV>

It's been a few hours since I fought the Kraang robot thingies with a 6-foot mutant turtle with a blue mask. But he lost his conciousness when the Kraang put something on him.

Since he helped me fight, it's time for me to bring back the favor.

I put him into a corner. Sadly there is no something soft inside my bag so I just let him lay on my lap. I injected him some antidote hpoing that will work.

I looked at his features. He IS really a turtle but he's also human. His muscles are just perfect. Is it wrong for me to say that his sleeping figure is kinda... handsome?

I snapped my thoughts away when I heard a groan from him. He slowly opened his eyes, his blue eyes that almost reminded me my favorite stone, Sapphire.

Nevermind about the Sapphire, the mutant is waking up.

I helped him to sit down. "Ow. My head hurts." he said. Now, I can realized he can actually TALK.

"I-uh... it's a part of the side effects of the antidote I gave to you. So... bear with it." I said, avoiding an eye contact.

"Thank you. Anyway, I'm Leonardo. Just call me Leo for short. You?"

"I'm (Y/N). Thanks for the help a while back." I said as I gave him a cup of water to drink.

-To be continued...

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