Japanese Lesson Gone Wrong Prt. 3

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I ran from building to building on my way to my apartment. They said that Leo is waiting for me there. There is a part of me that I really want to confess my feelings for him right now. I can't hold it in! Now, I know that he likes me, I found the confidence to do that.

I reached my apartment and went to the second floor and looked at my window. I searched some buildings but he is not there. I serached at the rooftops but he's not there either.

"Leooo!" I called out. "We need to talk! I'm not mad at you now!"




"He will come here."

"He will not."

I keep on chanting some words while tearing a piece of paper. When I tear the last small piece, the result was turned out to be "He will come here." Suddenly, I heard a quiet "Thump!" sound. At last, Leo had arr—

No, it's not Leo. Behind me, there are three figurines in the shadows. Though I am defenseless beacuse I don't have a weapon, I still have my fighting stance and prepared myself. The three come out and all of them are wearing some Japanese robes with hoods to cover their faces. Maybe they are the foot soldiers that the turtles mentioned before.

They ran at me and I defend myself. We chased from rooftop to rooftop and I realized that I forgot my phone in the dojo. How can I contact the turtles? I need help right now. I have no choice but to think how can I get rid of them. It was a three versus one battle but thank God, they don't have weapons too so it's a hand to hand combat. I remember when Leo and I fought for a one slice of pizza. It's like a same scenario but the inly difference is I'm fighting against three people.

"Get away from me!" I yelled as I continued punching their faces and I started to get tired. And how they can understand English, they're ninjas so they speak in Japanese! Only "Aishiteru" is the only word I know! Maybe that will work.

"Uh... Aishiteru! Aishiteru! Aishiteru!" I said in panic as I was cornered. The three looked at each other and they ran away.

"Wow, I didn't know that will wooooooooooooooooooooork!" I screamed with my lungs out beacuse I walked on a trapdoor. I closed my eyes and prepared myself for an impact. But instead, I felt arms wrapped around me.

I slowly opened my eyes and I found myself in a room filled with blue roses with Leo, who is carrying me in bridal style. "Got you." he said.

"Leo?" I breathed out his name and he gently put me down. He cupped my cheeks using both hands and said, "Aishiteru yo, (Y/N)." ("I love you, (Y/N)")

I can't believe the words I wanted to him came from him. Because of my extreme happiness, I hugged him so tight and he hugged me back. I lifted me up and we go round and round. Though I felt dizzy right after, I really enjoyed the moment.

Then, the moment was ruined when I saw the three guys in robe again. I immediately pulled one of Leo's katanas and pointed at the three.

"Woah! Woah! Chill, (Y/N). It's us!" one of the guys said and he removed his hood. It was Donnie! Then, the remaining two is...

"It was the fearless' idea!" Raph said and he removed his hood.

"And we joined in to help!" Mikey continued and he's the last one who removed his hood. "Sorry, guys. I'd hurt you and—"

"We're okay!" Mikey interupted

"We will leave you guys here and this is the moment for the two of you." Donnie said as the three walked away. It is only Leo and I. There, alone.

Leo smiled at me and awkwardness filled the atmosphere. "So, (Y/N) what do you want us to talk about?" he asked.

I felt uneasiness right now. I was like, "Ahh.... Eh..... Ihhh.... Okay... Ummm..."

"Will you be my girlfriend, (Y/N)?" Leo asked. I couldn't that the turtle in my dreams finally ask me out. This is the most memorable moment in my life. I smiled at him and answered, "Hai." (Yes.)

Hearing this, Leo immediately smashed his lips into mine. I was shocked at his sudden action but I got relaxed and kissed back.

"AHHHH! Guys! Run! LEO IS A FACE EATER! WE'RE DOOMED!" Mikey screamed as he ran away.

Then, I am filled with embarassment and my eyes were like fire and started to chase Mikey all over. "MIKEEEEEEY!"

The end~

"The whole Aishiteru thing is my idea!!!" - Mikey

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