The Blue Moonlight Prt. 4

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(Leo's POV)

"(Y/N), are you okay?" I asked (Y/N) as she's trying to avoid her gaze from me. I wonder she felt uneasy when she's with me.

"Yep, I'm fine. I gotta clean the living room." she said as she picked up the broom and dust pan and started cleaning.

"Actually, I was one who's in charge with the cleaning." I said in an awkward manner while playing with my fingers.

"Well, I'll just finish this." (Y/N) replied, still sweeping the floor.

I sat down on the sofa and watched Space Heroes. Mikey and Raph were playing the pinball machine while Donnie stays in his lab. I was hooked up on the show as (Y/N) finished cleaning.

"Wait... is that... Space Heroes?!"

"Uh yeah it's—" *fangirl screaming*

"I can't believe this one still exists! This show was used to be my favorite show when I was a child." (Y/N) said. Wait, did she just say Space Heroes is her favorite?

"Me too! Guess what is my favorite episode.."

"Season 3 Episode 20!" (Y/N) and I said simultaneously. I guess we have the same favorite episode. No one beats that epic episode.

Then things went awkward. (Y/N) broke that atmosphere as she left with a "I gotta go".

"Wait!" I stopped her.

"(Y/N), would you like to.... have a patrol with me?"

My brothers heard that question too. They stopped the things they are doing and gave me their glares then said "PATROL?!!!" simultaneously.

"Pa-patrol?" she asked and I nodded.

(Y/N) formed a cute smile on her face. "Of course! Why not?"

Right after (Y/N) answered, my brothers had their own reactions:

Raph - facepalm
Mikey- face-floor
Donnie- face-graduated cylinder

(Y/N) entered her room. Then Raph approaches me.

"You had a poor skills to ask girls out." he said, leaving me dumbfolded.

(Y/N)'s POV

I was on my room as I found myself smiling like I won on a lottery. Leonardo just invited me to have a patrol with him. I am excited.

While preparing myself up, my phone rang.

"Incoming call: Master Shredder..."

I put the call on a low volume so no one will hear me. "Mushi-mushi?"

"(Y/N), have you done it?" oh snap, I almost forgot my mission.

"No not yet. I am spying on them first." I answered.

"You must go back here at once." Shredder said. I must go back? What about the patrol?

"I can't, Master." I replied.

"Very well. If you can't, then I'll take you back by force." his voice boomed on my phone.

"What?" but the call had already ended.

"By force?" I mumbled.

I wonder. Why I can't leave this place? And why I can't kill Leo? Seems like, my heart doesn't want me to do such a thing but my mind and anger wanted to.

In this place, I felt the feeling to have a family. A TRUE FAMILY. I feel safe and loved. How can I destroy and betray this such a family by killing their eldest brother? I can't.

No, (Y/N). You must!

They took your family away from you....

I must do it tonight.

To be continued~

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