Splinter's Book 2 Prt. 5

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24 hours earlier...

(Donnie's POV)

I was at the library when I heard (Y/N)'s guards closed the doors and windows. It was very unusual for them to close them during the day. So I went outside the temple to check if there are invasions. But one thing I saw was Takeru hurriedly left the castle gates. I tried to follow him but the guards caught me, reading a scroll from (Y/N) that she and my brother's marriage was anuled and I'm no longer a vassal.

The guards took me and threw me in this cabin with you. I don't know where the soldiers been taking us but I heard more information from them.

<Leo's POV>

"And what information was that?" I asked my brother.

"Takeru was proven to be a traitor." he replied.

What?! But how? He's one of (Y/N)'s great tacticians!

"It was proven that he's working with the Genji. And now, (Y/N), her remaining vassals and the army were been matching to Kyoto at this hour. Based on the directions, we were now on the opposite prefecture away from Kyoto." Donnie explained.

I can't believe it. The things got more worse. But why did (Y/N) chose to fix this all by herself? She have me as her husband, why did she chose to send me away?

"Leo, I know you have a lot of questions in mind but I have to tell you that tomorrow, we will be returning back to our time." Donnie added.

I lost track on my senses. It feels like my world had fallen apart. I can't just leave (Y/N) and everyone in Kazenami like this!

"And one last thing, I wanted you to read this. It is from (Y/N)." Donnie said as he handed me a scroll. I immediately took it from my brother's hands and read it.

"To my beloved Leo, thank you.

Thank you for saving me back there in Kyoto. When I had reached your hand as you lead me to safety, I felt like I entered a new world.

I learned how to value other people, I learned to smile and laugh, I learned to cry and embrace my weaknesses, I learned to extend my hand to others on the same manner you reached yours to save me from the flames, I learned how I accept myself as a person who makes mistakes, and... I learned how to love.

Even though the moments I've spent with you lasts shortly, they gave me the reason why I should live my life filled with happiness and contentment. But as the Daimyo of the Kazenami clan, I have to do my job to maintain peace by surrendering everything all that I have, even my own life.

The only way to end this war is to end my life.

Leo, please keep these words for me. No matter what happens, I will always love you.

I wanted you and everyone to live in an era where there will be no pain, chaos or bloodshed. I will see to it that the last blood that will be shed on a blade will be mine.

Thank you for everything,
(Y/N) (L/N)"

What on Earth did I just read? Did my wife just gave me a suicide note? This can't be! I have to escape before she will do such thing!

I started to punch and kick the cabin, hoping I can get out but it's no use. I got tired and I gave up. There's nothing I can do now but to cry.

"I am sorry, brother. For now, we should think of a way on how we can get back to our world." Donnie said.

Suddenly, the cabin came to a stop and I heard some clashes of swords and grunts of pain from outside. Then, an opening was revealed on top of us. Ryosuke was there, saving us.

"Ryosuke-sama!" Donnie cried.

Ryosuke sliced the cabin into shreds, setting us free. Donnie and I saw soldiers lying on the ground.

"Good thing. I managed to escape the march to look for you guys." He said.

"Where's (Y/N)?" I asked.

"They were probably in Kyoto now, Lord Leonardo." he replied.

"Take me there, now!" I ordered, "(Y/N) is in trouble."

I let Ryosuke read the letter (Y/N) gave me. Worry filled all over him and looked at me with determination.

"We can't let the lady do this kind of thing. This is a treason!" Ryosuke exclaimed.

"We have to go there and stop (Y/N)!"

"I'll go with you." Donnie said.

Ryosuke pulled out the horses from the wagons and the three of us raced to Kyoto.

"How much time we can go to Kyoto?" I asked the vassal.

Ryosuke sighed, "Riding a horse is the fastest way to get there. We will be there in a day. But the good news is I know a few shortcuts to get there at midnight."

Our horses galloped like thunder. I pray that I will be there on the right time.

(Y/N), don't do anything stupid. Wait for me.

(Kyoto, Front Base)
<(Y/N)'s POV>

"Where's Ryosuke?" I asked Mitsu. The only vassal I have.

"He will be coming at this hour, my lady. Now that his suspicion to Takeru was proven, I am sure that he wanted to punish him in his own hands." Mitsu answered.

I looked at the other side of the mountain. The Genji's were there. Takeru's there, too. I knew him a lot so the rest is up to me.

"Milady!" one of my spies had returned and handed me a scroll. I read it and a smile formed on my face.

Mitsu read the scroll as well, "Wait, this is... Takeru-san's handwriting, isn't it?"

I remained silent and my smile turned into a grin.

"Masaka... (Don't tell me...)" Mitsu mumbled.

"Yes, you're right. It's not what you're thinking." I said.

I stood up and I made an announcement; "Mitsu, let us not wait for Ryosuke. Wake our soldiers up, move on to your positions. We will be in battle."

Mitsu bowed, "Yes, Milady."

To be continued...

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