Splinter's Book 2 Prt. 8

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(Y/N)'s POV

I entered another room but this time I'll lock myself in here so no one will stop me or disturb me. I started from the top where I recited some chants, prayed then I washed the blade of my sword with water.

As my prayer had come to an end, I pointed the blade towards me, ready to strike myself to death. I closed my eyes as I prepare myself. With just one blow and everything will be at peace.


Why? Why am I hesitating?

"(Y/N), I love you."

I remember Leo's face when he said those words. My heart pounded like crazy, calling for him. Those hands that saved me from my original death.

I died without an husband, I died without compassion, and I died with an unexpected death.

But Leo changed everything. I did not die, I fought the Genjis once again, I got married, I became caring for others and I had experiences the things that I won't be able to do during my younger days. It's all thanks to Leo. Now, I can die happily.

Japan will be in peace once and for all.

(Leo's POV)

I searched nothing from those series of rooms and I got lost. But that didn't make me stop from search for (Y/N). On a nearby corner, I heard a hiss in pain.

I followed those noises where I saw Takeru on the floor who was badly beaten and unable to stand.

"Takeru-san!" I said as I lift him on my arms.

"Leo...s-sama..." He whispered.

"What happened to you?" I asked the wounded vassal.


"Where is she?" I asked.

Takeru, with the last bit of his strength, pointed the direction where (Y/N) went. It was an another hallway ahead

"S-save h-her..." He mouthed the words.

"I will." I gently lay him down and went to that direction. I opened the rooms one by one until there was one room left unopened. It was locked. With all of my strength, I kicked the door open then — SLASH!

The time where my heart stopped beating as I saw (Y/N) struck herself with her katana. She looked at the direction where I was and her eyes were full of disbelief.

"Leo... y-you're..."

All of a sudden, she fainted. Before she hit the floor, I caught her in my arms.

"H-Hold on!" I said as I gently pull out the sword from her. She gasped for air and I embraced her.


Suddenly, A lighting had struck the temple we were in, causing fire. I carried my wife and we made it outside.

(Mitsu's POV)

Ryosuke and I made it to the temple and we searched for Lady (Y/N), Lord Leo and Takeru. While we're inside, a lightning had stuck the place and the temple is on fire.

We found Takeru and we brought him outside the temple. But there is no sign of the couple.

"Mitsu, call the doctor's and treat Takeru. I will be looking them. Maybe they are on the other side of the temple." Ryosuke commanded.

Milord, Milady, be safe.

(Leo's POV)
I carried my wife as I desperately tried to find the wormhole. The rain started to pour even more heavier. Both of us were soaking wet.

"Leo..." (Y/N) whispered.

"It's okay. You have to come with me. Once we go back to my world, you will be treated there in no time." I said.

Her voice cracked, "You... don't have to..."

"...the history will be altered..." she added.

Her words stopped my tracks. "You did came from the future." she said.

I continued carrying her but there is no wormhole found. "Tell me, Leo. What does Japan look like in the future?"

"Japan in my time is..." I tried not to cry, holding back my tears. "...a beautiful place. There are no wars, buildings were all around the place, people there are living in peace and the land is full of prosperity." I answered.

A smile formed on her face, "Good to hear that."

"But Japan still needs you, (Y/N). I need you, too." I said as tears went rolling to my cheeks.

"The war is over, Leo. And my job here is done." she said between her breaths.

"I can take you to our time. You will meet my family, you'll see the fruits of your labor. The Japan that you always wanted to see. We can start over in a place where there are no wars. We can live there in peace." I persuaded her, "Just hold on for me, okay?"

"I like that. Then, I'll do my best." she replied with a heartwarming smile on her face.

Suddenly, a lightning appeared before us followed by a black spiral object. That must've be the wormhole.

But I can't move my legs, the wormhole seems like pulling me away from (Y/N).

With the last bit of her strength, (Y/N) reached out her hand and took hold with mine. But the wormhole was too strong.

"Leo!" (Y/N) cried with her lungs out.

"(Y/N)! I'm not letting go!" I said.

"Leo! We may be 500 years apart, time will prove how much I love you!" she said between her breath.

"I'm not leaving you here, (Y/N)!"

The longer it takes, I can feel (Y/N)'s strength on her grip slowly decreasing.

"Leo... I think... I can't hold on more longer..." she breathed.

"(Y/N)..." I called her name with tears formed in my eyes.

"Leo, I love you..." she whispered as she breathed her last breath and let go of my hand.

"(Y/N)!!!!" I screamed as the wormhole took over until everything turned dark.

<Ryosuke's POV>

Milady! Milord!" I called together with the search party. We've been looking for the two of them more like two hours.

"Ryosuke-sama!" one of the soldiers called, "You wouldn't believe this."

I immediately followed a soldier and I saw Lady (Y/N) lifeless on a pool of rain water and her own blood.

"No." I mumbled as I went closer and it is clear on my very own eyes that we found our Daimyo  is dead.

"Ryosuke-sama, there is no sign of Lord Leonardo." one of my soldiers reported.

Takeru and Mitsu also joined the scene. We wept over (Y/N)'s death and we carried her body back to Kazenami.

To be continued...

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