Splinter's Book 2 Prt. 7

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<(Y/N)'s POV>

I found myself in the same cabin where Leo saved me from the fire. It was rebuilt again. But why Torubi would hide here?

I saw a silouette on the entrance. That must be Torubi. I followed the shadow and I saw Torubi swing his sword towards me but I immediately dodged it.

"Very bad." I commented.

"Die!" He said as our swords clashed as we exchanged blows.

The cabin has a lot of rooms to enter. More like a temple. I found the perfect spot to execute the last part of my plan.

Torubi was badly injured but he's still forcing himself to stand up and fight me. So I just dodged his attacks, tiring him.

"It's over now, Torubi-sama. It is time for you to turn back on your anger and start again." I said.

"You still care to put -sama on my name." He said trying to stand up.

"You are my father's trusted friend. It is not my father who betrayed you. But you are the betrayer."

"H-how?" He asked.

"He did not send you to battle before because he knew the Kazenami forces was outnumbered by the Oda army. If he sent you to that battle, you probably been dead by now. But my father took your place and lead the army, that was the time my father died and I proclaimed as the new Daimyo."

Torubi's eyes were in tears. "I-I didn't know..."

Sadness filled all over me. It reminded me of Leo who was half of the country away from me by now.

"Your men had been killed or captured. It is time for you to surrender." I commanded him.

He ran away and he was not in sight anymore. I defeated Torubi, it is time to do my part to end this war once and for all.

I removed my armor and prayed.  I recited some chants and prayed again. And the final thing to do, I brought out my sword and cleansed it with water. I saw my own reflection on its blade and I closed my eyes as I pointed the blade towards me.

(Takeru's POV)

Lord Leo and I finally arrived on the cabin where she was nearly killed three months ago. There, we saw Torubi running away from the doorstep yelling, "I surrender!" and kneel on our feet.

"Where's the Daimyo?" I asked him.

"She's still in the temple." Torubi replied.

Leo and I immediately enter the temple but inside of it has a lot of doors and maze-like paths.

"Lord Leo, you should go on the left. I'll go to the right." I said as we split up to look for Lady (Y/N).

Meanwhile... at the battlefield.
(Donnie's POV)

The skies were turning purple and rain had started to pour down. A massive thunder began striking one at the time.

"This is a different phenomena! I haven't see such terrible weather before." Mitsu said.

"It is because a wormhole was about to form!" I explained.


"Yes, it is—"


A thunder had struck me and a worm hole began to swallow me in.

"Lord Donatello!" Mitsu cried as he extend his hand to reach me but it was no use. Everything turned dark and things get dizzy.

(Mitsu's POV)

"No!" I cried when Lord Donatello was sucked in a thing he called wormhole. I tried to search for him but I couldnt.

"Mitsu, what happened?" Ryosuke asked, worriedly.

"Ryosuke-sama, Lord Tello,... He-he... He disappeared!"


"There is no time! Let us look for Lord Leonardo and tell him!" I urged. So Ryosuke and I rode on our horses and we went to the direction where Lord Leo and Takeru went.

Back at the temple...
(Takeru's POV)

I searched every door on sight but I couldn't find which room where Lady (Y/N) is. After every turn, every look and dash. That leaves me to one door.

I opened it and I saw Lady (Y/N) holding her blade towards herself.

"You can't perform a seppuku (traditional way of suicide in ancient Japan), Milady! I will never allow it as your vassal!" I said.

Lady (Y/N) gave me a threatening look. She put down her sword and pointed it towards me. "Do you want to rain blood in Japan?"  She asked.

"No, I—"

"Then, let me do this." she said but I stopped her hand.

"Defying my orders?" she asked again.

"Fine. If you want to end your life that badly, you have to end mine first." I replied as I brought out my sword and prepare my fighting stance.

"A sparring match. Just like the old days when we were young." Lady (Y/ N) said.

"We can't do this, Milady. Put down your sword." I pleaded.

The Daimyo began to swing her sword but I blocked it in a split second. "What will happen to Kazenami?!"

I tried to make her drop her sword but it was no use. She caught me off guard, breaking my right leg on the process. I let out a hiss of pain and yelled the words, "What will happen to Lord Leo if you do this?!"

Lady (Y/N)'s icy glare softened.

"We still need you, milady. Lord Leo needs you. Your father entrusted the Kazenami empire to you!" I said.

She closed her eyes and spoke, "Take care of them for me on my behalf."

"Wha—" before I could finish, she kicked me hard, sending me out of the room. Because of the impact, I couldn't stand up.

"Milady!!!!!" I cried but she ignored me and left me lying on the floor. She walked towards the direction where Lord Leo can possibly find her.

Lord Leo, save Lady (Y/N). I beg of you.

To be continued....

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