Why Women Wash The Dishes? Prt. 2

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"I have an idea."

"What is it, Leo?"

"Instead of us fighting of who will wash the dishes, let's have a wager." Leo said. (Y/N) formed a smirk on her face, she is kinda interested with his plan.

"The first one will speak after I say 'begin' will always wash the dishes. That is our deal. We are not allowed to speak to anybody or to anyone." Leo explained.

"Deal. In fact, I can shut my mouth even for a week. But you? Ha! You even talk to your Captain Ryan action figure." she said and laughed.

"That's it! Let's go."

(Y/N) sat upright in front of him across the table. She compressed her lips. Leo, on the back of his mind, wanted to kiss her but giving her a good luck kiss will not be a good idea for it increases her chance of winning at the said wager.

"BEGIN!" Leo said.

They both fell silent. Thy sat at their dining table staring at each other across the unwashed plates and bowls and spoons. They did not want to leave each other for fear of one of them might talk when no one looking.

Soon, Ice cream kitty went out of the freezer to the table and began to mew for it's food. Neither (Y/N) nor Leo paid attention to it's mewing. The cat jumped and lick the left overs. None of the two drove it away. Ice Cream Kitty had overturned a kettle, spilled it's contents, then went back to the freezer. The couple pretended that nothing had happened. They were just completely quiet.

>insert Spongebob

It was getting late in the afternoon but they went on sitting mutely at the table. Both of their eyes were tired from staring hard at each other. But both were determined to win.

Minutes later, Splinter and Leo's brothers had arrived at the lair.

Mikey called, "Leo! (Y/N)! We're home!"

The said persons did not answer.

Donnie took over, "Yoo-hoo! Guys! Leo, we need to be on patrol in 30 minutes!"

Leo did not answer. (Y/N) looked at him silently.

"I think those two went out." Splinter said.

Raph looked around the living room. "But why did they left the lights turned on? They usually turn off the lights when they go away."

"Don't worry, dudes! I'm sure we have plenty of pizza on our refrigerator." Mikey said. When the orange clad turtle went to the dining area where the refrigerator is, he was surprised to see Leo and (Y/N) sitting silently at the table where the plates had dried up with left overs. He hurried to them.

Mikey tried to make the two speak by shaking or slapping them. He got alarmed so he called the rest of the turtles and Splinter to come at the dining table.

"Speak, Leonardo! What happened?" Splinter asked, he shook his eldest son's shoulders, too. Donnie was doing the same to (Y/N).

"Did you eat something poisonous? Some food that has made both of you dumb! Bring them to my lab!" he said. But the couple refused by both pushing Raph and Donnie roughly aside but did not speak.

With no choice, Donnie brought out his medicine kit from his lab and started to examine Leo and (Y/N).

"I don't get it. I don't see any problems at all. Their vital signs are okay." Donnie said. But the two continue to sit staring at each other in silence. (Y/N) looked at Leo threateningly for a second then closed her eyes. Leo knew that she did so to avoid looking at his brothers and his sensei. So, he did the same. They both pretended to be asleep. Everyone in the lair were worried.

"I better call Casey and April." Raph said as he brought out his T-phone and dialed their friends.

-To be continued....

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