The Blue Moonlight 2 Prt. 1

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Author's note: At last! The sequel! I know it took you guys a long time to wait but here it is! I hope you love it!

(The Blue Moonlight 2 (Special))

The story has finally reopened. The battle between the Foot clan and the Hamato clan had been ceased. But how long does peace will last? No one ever knows.

In the night sky accompanied by the stars, the moon shines brightly and it's light shone upon New York City. Below the streets, there lived a family where they bear any kind of weather as long as they're together.

<(Y/N)'s POV>

Eggs, check! Noodles, check! Rice, check! All done! I let out a sigh in relief as I finished cooking our dinner. I am pretty sure Master Splinter and the boys are now done with their training and they're hungry.

"Guys! Dinner's ready!" I announced at the dojo.

"Sweet!" Leo got up as he walked out from the dojo and kissed my forehead. Followed by his brothers and Splinter who were excited for dinner too. We sat down on a table and we talked a lot of stories and topics.

"By the way, (Y/N), my child. My sons had started their advanced training session. Don't you have the will to join with us?" Master Splinter asked.

I smiled at the red-robed ninja, "Sorry, father. But I prefer to be like this. Sinple and... no worries"

"Hmmm.... I understand."

While eating, I noticed that Leo was not pleased regards to my answer. So, I put down my chopsticks and bowed my head.

"I better meditate." I said as I leave the table.

Removing my shoes, I enter the dojo. Using a match, I lit up some candles to keep the place warm and relaxing. I sat down on a mat, my legs were crossed, hands on to my knees, sit up straight and closed my eyes. I don't know how long did I stay here but my mind was filled with good thoughts an memories with every breath I take. Peace washed all over me.

"(Y/N)" my trance broke as Leo called my name.

"Hey, Leo. What's up?"

"I'm fine, but I seemed my wife is upset." he said as he sat down beside me.

"You mean... when I declined Master Splinter's offer for me to train?"

"It's because right after we got married, you had stopped using your weapons." Leo said.

On the other side of the dojo where my katana was displayed on the wall along with the weapons of the turtles. It's been a long time I'm not using it. The dusts and spider webs around it had made it clear.

"I just... don't want to do violent things anymore. It reminded me of my previous clan. My brother had given me that sword when I master my hand-to-hand combat skills. And... it brings me sorrow when I use them."

I felt arms wrapped around me from behind. Leo leaned in and kissed my cheek. "I know it is a painful memory but you are now a part of the Hamato clan— our family." he whispered into my ear.

"I am always here with you. I am here to listen. That's how much I love you." Leo added.

I kissed him back. "I love you too, Leo. Maybe my world is still dark if I don't have you." I whispered.

Leo and I went outside ad we walked in to his room. The other turtles were busy watching TV for they are waiting for the finale episode of their favorite show.

We cuddled each other in the bed and Leo always tell bedtime stories making me drifted to sleep. I feel protected when he's with me. I have no regrets or worries. I am happy to be a part of my REAL family.

(Author's POV)

"Welcome back.... Master." Tigerclaw said as he bowed down together with his comrades.

"It's good to be back." a deep voice echoed the place.

"For I have a lot of things to settle...." a metallic ninja stood up from his throne and faced Tigreclaw.

Shredder has returned.

"... that involves Hamato Yoshi and his descendants..."

" well as the traitor... (Y/N) (L/N)!"

~To be continued...

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