Loved Away Prt. 3

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<(R/N)'s POV>

What the heck did just happened? I was saved by ninja turtles from the Purple Dragons then we were ambushed by Footbots then I can fight?! I couldn't explain what was happening to me right now. Now the turtles were taking me to the lair to treat my wounds I got from earlier.

When we had arrived, I had a weird feeling.

I feel at home.

I feel safe.

But I've never gotten here before. Seriously? In the sewers?!

Donnie and I entered in the lab to patch me up. Bandages were rolled on my arms and legs, but the weird thing is I don't feel pain at all.

"There! All done." he said.

"Thanks, Donnie."

"No prob. Mind if I show you around?" he asked as we both got outside of the lab to the living room. Mikey and Raph joined with us. They showed me everything in the lair. But why I feel such happiness when I stepped in to the place?

"At last, but not the least... the dojo!" Mikey said as we entered a big room where there are weapons and training gear. I looked at the sight in awe, especially the tree planted in the middle of it. But the thing that caught my attention is a big portait of.... me? No! It's a portrait of a young woman. I knew that face a lot but I couldn't remember a thing where or when did we meet.

"Who is she?" I asked.

"That's (Y/N). She is the most skilled kunoichi and the best of friend we ever have." Donnie replied.

"Aaaand Leo's girlfriend!" Mikey added.

Raph smiled, "Actually, Leo made that portrait."

I was surprised, "Leo made it?"

Donnie nodded, "Yep. But that is the only memento of ours from (Y/N)."

"What happened to her?" I asked as the four of us sat down on the dojo mat.

"You see. The footbots we fought earlier, those were Shredder's henchmen. He was used to be our sensei's brother but he turn his back and build the Foot clan. We had a mission to bring him down. But during the battle, Leo was about to be killed by the Shredder but (Y/N) protected him, losing her life instead." Raph said with a sad look on his face.

"She died because of severe blood loss for she had been stabbed directly to her chest. I tried to save her for my brother but it's all over." Donnie added.

"Poor Leo." that's all I said.

"And no wonder why Leo want you to come over, (R/N)."

"Why, Donnie?"

Mikey motioned me to look at the picture of (Y/N) again. "You look way close like her." he said.

Suddenly, a door opened and a humanoid rat in a red robe had appeared before us. Maybe that is their sensei. He looked around and asked, "Where is Leonardo?"

"He's in his bedroom." Raph replied.

"And you must be (R/N). It is nice to meet you. I am Master Splinter. Just call me Splinter." he introduced himself and bow down.

"Nice to meet you too, Splinter." I replied.

Later, Splinter ask his sons to leave the two of us in the dojo. They immediately obeyed and he offered me some tea.

"(R/N), I have sensed a strong energy from you. Leo had told me that you can fight but you said you can't." Splinter said.

I took a sip on the tea, "It's true. I am also surprised! I don't even have an idea how I did that. And when I first got here, I feel like I've been here before even though I haven't stayed."

"Hmmm... I think I had the answer." the rat handed me a piece of paper. I read the content of it, "Not even death can't stop me."

"That note was written by (Y/N) herself."

I let out a gasp.

"(R/N), I pretty sure you are already dead."

"What?! How could that happened?"

"Donatello told me that your heart stops beating when they saw you then miraculously went back to life. This explains that (Y/N) reincarnated herself in your body. When that happens, your life was sutained by her soul until that will fully take over your actions and your feelings as well." Splinter explained.

"That's why I instantly know martial arts. The reason why I know this place and every detail about (Y/N)."

"Exactly, (R/N). And subconciously, you might be exactly like her."

"Is there anything I can do?" I asked.

"I don't know, my child. (Y/N) had attained the highest spiritual rank in the afterlife. Maybe she had an unfinished mission here and whatever that is, she needs your help." the ninja answered.

"Thank you, Splinter." I said as I stood up.

"Before you leave, please do not tell the others of what we had discussed." Splinter said as I bowed and left the dojo.

I went to my room. Luckily, they have some clothes for me to wear. Actually, those were belong to (Y/N). When I removed my clothes off, I noticed that there is a big birthmark on my chest. Kinda look like a stab from a big blade.

"Where did I get this?" I asked myself as looked at it again.

Now I remembered Donnie's words: "She died because of severe blood loss for she had been stabbed directly to her chest."

Uh oh. It's happening again. (Y/N) is haunting me again. If I am the reincarnation of (Y/N), what will be my role to this family?

"Why did (Y/N) chose me?"

To be continued---

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