Wattpad User Ninjas Prt. 3

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-> -> —> Two Days passed...
(Y/N)'s POV

My parents and I just arrived New York City yesterday. Now, today is the day I decided to meet with Leo. I prepared my tablet and my pocket wi-fi and put it in my bag. I'm so excited to meet him and to know how he looks like. Is he handsome? Is he tall? A lot of questions but those will be answered later.

"Mom, I'm going shopping." I asked permission.

"Okay, honey. Be back before midnight." my mom replied back and I went out of our apartment.

I walked around and I stopped on a corner. I brought out my tablet and texted Leo through wattpad. "Leo, where are you?"

After a few seconds, he texted, "I'm coming, (Y/N)! Kindly tell me what you see on your surroundings."

I looked around and I saw a japanese restaurant. I'm hoping Leo know this place. "I am standing in front of a restaurant called Murikami's. I'm wearing a blue dress with a black shoulder bag, holding a tablet." I typed.

"I know that place a lot! Hang on there!"

While excitement filled me, then was replaced by fear when I saw silhouetes in a nearby building. I feel that I'm being watched. Despite of my shaky hand, I typed a message for Leo. "Leo, I need to go. I saw strange-looking people like gangsters or something. They are like planning to attack me."

Then, I recieved a reply from him. The message contains only one word: "RUN!"

I ran as fast as I can. While running, I tried to keep myself calm and I texted Leo. "Who are those?"

"They are Purple Dragons. Don't worry, (Y/N). I'm coming to save you." he replied. But because I'm looking at my tablet while running, I didn't know that the direction I head to has a dead end.

"There's no escape, little girl." one of the guys said. I just braced myself and didn't think what will happen next. But a few seconds passed, I heard fighting noises and clashing-like noises. I opened my eyes and I saw the bad guys who tried to attack me a while ago were all down. Maybe Leo did this.

I looked around to search him but I couldn't find him. I called out his name, "Leo! Leonardo Hamato! Where are you? I want to see you so bad!"

Then, suddenly I heard a voice coming from nowhere, "I'm here, (Y/N)." I am certain that he's just nearby. But I can't see him.

"Promise me that you won't freak out."

"I won't. Why would I freak out?"

I heard a sigh and Leo's voice broke the awkward silence, "Because I'm not a human, (Y/N). I'm an ugly mutant."

"I don't care of what you look, I know you're just a teenage boy with a good heart. You just saved my life, Leo." I said.

"Okay." then, I heard footsteps from behind. I turned my back and I saw him. To be honest, I got scared but I became calm again. The lights reveal his green muscular body with a turtle plastron and shell on his back. He carries twin katana swords behind him. He wears a blue bandana that matches his bright blue eyes that almost reminded me the stars at the blue night sky and an ocean.

My jaw dropped and he's kinda noticed my reaction and he felt heartbroken. "I told you. It was a bad idea for us to meet each other." he said with a sad tone on his voice and began to walk away.

But I didn't let him get away by grabbing his three fingered hand. He stopped because of my action. "(Y/N)?"

"Finally, we met." I said and I pulled him a hug. A few seconds, he hugged me back. That will assure him that I'm not scared anymore. "I am so glad that I met you, my hero."

"That line was kinda familiar. It is the same line Celestial said when she was rescued by Captain Ryan on your book." he said.

"Glad you noticed" I said and he smiled at me.

Leo clears his throat. "S-so, uh... would you like something to eat?" he asked.

"I would love to. Where?"

"To Murikami's" he answered.

"But aren't they afraid at you?"

He shook his head. "The owner of that restaurant is blind but he still know that I am not human. Besides, you will love the food there."

"Cool!" I said as the two of us walked back to Murikami's, holding each others hands.

Suddenly, he carried me in bridal style and we climbed on a rooftop. We were like flying everytime Leo jumps from rooftop to rooftop. I could also feel the cool air while I'm up there with my hero. Then, I found myself that we arrived at the said restaurant.

"It feels like a date." I commented.

Leo hold my hand and we made an eye-to-eye contact, "This IS a date." he whispered.

To be continued....

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