The Blue Moonlight 2 Prt. 5

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<Donnie's POV>

This is the fifth day of our stay in Mutanimals hideout. Every night, we patrol on Shredder's lair with Master Splinter's lead since Leo and (Y/N) are not with us. We need to find out what they are up to. His footbots were always back and forth to our old lair in the sewers. That shred guy really thinks that we will go back there.

Dr. Rockwell, April and I went back to the hideout. Everyone were happy and fine. But Splinter said that we should be prepared on any minute. Karai did enjoy her stay with her true father and didn't think of her old clan where she was raised.

"Whatsupp, guys!" Casey said as he joined with us. Mikey, Raph, Leatherhead and him were playing video games that Dr. Rockwell created.

"Donatello." Splinter called me and I immediately walked forward to him.

"Yes, sensei?"

"Kindly contact Leonardo. I want to know if they are fine with (Y/N)." he said.

I gladly reached my T-phone on my pocket and scrolled into the contacts.

"Guys! We have a big problem!" Dr. Rockwell said and we look into their surveillance cameras. Shredder and his soldiers were just on the entrances, breaking the cameras one by one.

"Stand back, Mutanimals!" Slash orders and they went to the positions, waiting at the door.

"My sons, my daughter, Casey and April... hajime." (Hajime = Get ready) Splinter said as we prepared our stance and weapons.

After a few attempts, the door was knocked open. Shredder and his soldiers invaded the hideout. We managed to take down the footbots but Shredder, together with Tigerclaw and Rahzar were left. But where is Kenjiro?

Dr. Rockwell fired something at Shredder but he managed to dodge it.

"Huh? My super-heated plasma didn't work!" he exclaimed.

We began to fight but footbots were starting to get plenty. Raph, Mikey, Casey were caught on a cage. I attempted to save them but I was kicked away by Tigerclaw. When that kitten tried to capture, Splinter get in the way, saving me.

"Go, Donatello!" Splinter said as I ran. The surroundings was horrible, I can see that were losing. The mutanimals members were being caught too, one by one. I hid myself on a corner where I set my T-phone on the speed message where I send one to Leo and (Y/N).

"Guys! We have been attacked."

A short message then I sent it to Leo and (Y/N). Well, come to think of it. Those love birds were enjoying themselves while were being attacked....... I'm out.

"Father!" Karai yelled as they caught Splinter. But no luck, she was captured by Shredder himself.

"No sign of Leonardo or (Y/N), Master." Tigerclaw said.

Shredder raised his hand, holding a remote control with one red button on it.

"What was that thing for?" I asked myself.

Then, when Shredder pushes the button, the whole place was exploded. Everything turned black as my consiousness slipped away.

<(Y/N)'s POV>

Leo tried to contact Donnie about the message but on luck. Same with the others, the situation was really, really very bad.

"We have no choice, Leo. We must go back there and help them." I said but Leo gave me a look with doubt in his eyes.

"But Splinter said—"

"I know. But what is the use of running away? Our family is in danger. They need us." I explained.

Leo held my hands, "We need a plan. We can't just go there."

We talked for about an hour and we made a plan. Tomorrow, we will leave this place and go back to New York.

"But where did Shredder take them?" Leo asked.

Something cane into my mind. "When I was a foot ninja, Shredder lair has a lot of dungeons in there where cell signals or networks can't reach it. I suspect that he took them there."

"Then we will go there and check." Leo added.

We nod each other as we started to prepare our things and weapons. When were done, Leo and I stood in front of the church. A gentle wind touches my skin. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.


"Yes, (Y/N)?"

"If there are chances that we will be separated, we will wait each other in this church." I said, I wonder why I said those words.

"Okay. But I'll make sure we will not get separated." Leo promised as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Just like in our vows." Leo added.

I smiled and hold his arms. Not knowing what will happen when we leave.

<Splinter's POV>

The foot soldiers had thrown Raphael, Michaelangelo and I on a cell same with the Mutanimals but on a cell beside us. Miwa was nowhere to be seen, and even Donatello.

"Where's Donnie?" my second to the oldest son asked.

"He must've got blown out with that explosion!" Mikey replied.

"No, he isn't." I said, hoping I am correct. Now I am full of worry. To Miwa, to Donatello, to Leonardo and (Y/N), to all of us. Suddenly, the dungeon gate opened. The footsoldiers put Miwa on a separate cell in front of us.

"Miwa, are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine, father." my daughter replied.

I let out a sigh, at sat down and closed eyes to meditate and to say my prayer.

"Leonardo, (Y/N), my children. I hope the two of you will be not put to danger. Donatello, wherever you are my son.... be careful."

-To be continued...

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