Wherever You Will Go Prt. 1

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Author's note: Before we get started, Hi! I'm back! Sorry for the long wait. Today, we don't have classes so I have time to update this story. Winterhere2021 Miss you a lot! The ANATA series will be stopped for a while because I ran out of ideas. Anyway, I'm too busy at school right now and I'm running for a position in our student council. That's it. Enjoy!

Leo's POV

Master Splinter assigned me to patrol the city alone because he will train my brothers how to deal situations without my leadership. I think that'll be their favorite lesson since they never listen to me when we have missions. It's now 4:30 in the afternoon and I'm staying at the rooftops by now.

I sensed nothing bad happening in the city. No Kraang, no mutants, no foot, everything is okay. This is maybe my resting time. But I can't meditate right now due to the noises of the vehicles and machines down there.

After a few minutes, I decided to go back home. I stood up and started walking. But there is a bell-like sound that caught my attention. It came from a building which is it called a "school". The gates are wide open and a lot of teenagers went out from that building. I saw some group of boys and girls chatting while walking.

My brothers and I never experienced being in school because of our appearances. We never experience on how to live like normal teenagers. That fact made my face formed a sad look while observing.

Then, I saw a girl walked from the gate alone. She wears a blue blouse and black leggings, carrying a big blue backpack. She has (hair color) hair, (eye color) eyes and a beautiful countenance. As she walks gracefully, her footsteps... and maybe my heartbeat were simultaneously on the same rhythm.

"Ms. President!" a boy called her attention. I jumped to another rooftop to hear their conversation. Did that boy just call her "President"? Is she the president of the United States? If she is, I think that is imposssible beacuse she's too young for that job.

"Yes?" the girl answered. For me, her voice is beautiful. I gasped in awe when I heard it.

"Do you have any assignments for me?" the boy asked.

"For now, I can't give you an assignment yet because the councilors will take charge of the booths for the next school event. But the council advisers and I didn't discuss anything yet about that agenda so I need their confirmation before I will take action." she answered. A "Wow" just came out to my mouth as a whisper.

"Okay, then. Bye." the boy waved at her and leaves.

"Just wait for any further announcements!" the 'president' reminded from the distance and started walking. I followed her until she entered in an apartment. Maybe that's her place. I looked at my T-phone and it is now almost 6 ó clock. I didn't mind the consequence when I come home late.

There is this part of me that I want to make friends with her. I want to know her name, everything about her. But.... there is a big possiblity that she'll freaked out when she sees me. Anyway, she's so beautiful and she'll never like UGLY mutants like me. All I need to do is to watch and wait for her window to be open.

But no. I saw her on the rooftop of her apartment on her pajamas. She sat down and looked at the city. I hid on a corner so she wouldn't see me.

"I looooove bein' here!" she shouted. I smiled like crazy while watching her in secret.

"It's a very exhausting day but still, I'm okay!" she continues.

Then, there's silence. I looked and took a peek and I saw her standing. Her hair flows with the gentle wind and her smile made me stop on my tracks.

"If I could, then I would
I'll go wherever you will go
Way up high or down low
I'll go wherever you will go..."

I was shocked when I hear her sing. Her voice is more beautiful than what I think. The song was stuck into my mind as well. But suddenly, she ran out of balance and fall. I ran as fast as I could and just in time, I wrapped my arms around her and landed perfectly.

"Miss, are you okay?" I asked but she's unconcious.

I immediately sneaked her in to her apartment through her window and gently lay her on her bed. Her breathing is in normal pace. Maybe she was just shocked by the fall a while back.

Suddenly, I heard some whimpering sounds. She's kinda talking in her sleep.

"Mom.... Dad....." she breathed out.

I went to her side and hummed the song she sang. Then, she was drifted back to sleep. I saw one of her notebook on her table. It is written, "(Your full name)".


It is a beautiful name of the beautiful girl I've ever seen. Now I understand what Donnie feels when he saw April.


I hope we will meet face to face but not now. But I'll promise that I will be always there for her starting today.

To be continued.....

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