Splinter's Book Prt. 4

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Three days of strolling, working and doing insane royal activities in the Kazenami kingdom after...

The sun rises as I exited to my room and went to the hall where the Daimyo and her vassals holding their meetings or gatherings. I walked back and forth to the kitchen to make some tea and a bowl of ramen for breakfast. The place is empty since everyone are still asleep. Here, I can freely eat my breakfast without anyone bothering me.

While I am taking a sip, I had remembered the conversation between me and Donnie one night.

<A long time ago...>



"I have news for you..."

We sat down on a table and drink tea. Donnie took a sip and the conversation started in a serious manner. "We just discovered that the Genji is having a new plan against Lady (Y/N)."

The topic seems interesting, " What now?"

"On the next three days, she and all of the vassals will hold a meeting about this. Expect that you will be called too." Donnie said.

"But why wait for three days?"

"The Genjis think that (Y/N) is injured. I'm sure that they will wait for her to recover. As you see, people in this era think that women are weak especially when it comes to governance." he explained.

"And (Y/N) proved that wrong." I added as I finished my tea.

"Are you worried 'bout your gurrrrlfriend?????"

I stood up from my seat. "She is not my girlfriend! And how can I like a girl that is introvert, cold and stubborn?!"

Donnie shushed and we looked around. I quickly covered my mouth. If (Y/N) heard everything I said, I will be doomed with one snap of her finger.

"Leo, listen. We did change the ENTIRE tale of the Hamato clan. The story is all up to us. And one more thing, I will give you a warning."

"What is it?" I asked.

"There is a war upcoming soon." Donnie whispered as he stood up, leaving me clueless.

<End of flashback>

I finally finished eating my breakfast.

An hour passed, the kingdom become wide and awake. Donnie and I went to the same hall where (Y/N) and the other vassals are waiting. We took a seat and the Daimyo had started the meeting. Donnie leaned closer to whisper something.

"Don't be nervous, it is just like the way we gather meetings on our team." he said.

"The only difference is I am not the leader." I added. Suddenly, three men wearing the attire that symbolizes there are royalties. Are they Daimyos too? I quickly brought out the book and scanned the pages.

I had read that those three are (Y/N)'s high-ranked vassals and her childhood friends. They are Mitsu, Takeru, and Ryosuke respectively. Those three showed such loyalty as they served as the hands and feet of (Y/N). They were also her advisors during wars or visits. Mitsu is a quiet yet a wise bookeeper and samurai. Ryosuke is a skilled swordsman that is popular to girls. Takeru is almost the man behind (Y/N)'s tactics and wisdom. It is also written in the book that Ryosuke and Takeru were sworn enemies.

"You three, do you guys have any reports?" (Y/N) asked coldly.

Mitsu stepped forward, "(Y/N)-sama, I sent some men that will keep an eye on the Genji territory under your permission. But sadly, only one had returned and the rest were now corpses."

(Y/N) formed a sad look and her eyes filled with anger. Mitsu continued his statement, "According to the one who survived, the Genji had sent assassins roaming in Kazenami to kill you. Of course, they can't go any further for the castle is surrounded by skilled ninjas to ensure your safety."

(Y/N) nodded her head. Isn't she afraid of her state right now? I couldn't find a little piece of fear on her expression.

"What about the identity of their leader?" Ryosuke asked.

"Still... unknown." (Y/N) replied.

"Any confirmation about the case of the attempt murder at Lady (Y/N) in Kyoto?" Takeru is the one now who's asking.

"So far, we can't accuse the Genji or their leader. The important thing is, I am still alive. I am still the Daimyo of Kazenami. I won't let myself die until I finish my objective." (Y/N) said. But what objective?

"And for now, I decided. I will go out of town and take a break." she added.

"Seriously?" Mitsu asked. The hall was filled with whispers.

"Yes. I've been injured recently. This will be a proper time for me to rest."

Her live is in danger but she will seriously have a vacation? And did she mentioned she was injured? Since when? When she saved me and Donnie and fought the Genjis? She looks healthy to me. Concern filled my head.

"And actually... Leo?" (Y/N) called my name.

"Yes?" I asked.

"You are coming with me."

I—What?! Does the Yokai Daimyo have nuts? Is she really wanted a vacation or a date with me? This era is indeed strange. Instead of guys who are asking a girl to have a date, this one is completely opposite.


(Y/N) formed a smile on her face. "It is an order. And we will be leaving tomorrow morning. You must pack everything you need. This will take a whole day. If you want, you can let Tello do the job."

I looked at my brother. I'm sure he is struggling to hide his laughter, giving him a death glare.

"What if I refuse?" I asked.

"No one refuse my orders. This is final." she said as the meeting was adjourned.

Seriously? A vacation with her?

At night, I finally finished packing my things up making me lay down into my bed in exhaustion. The room is quiet and I can hear the cicadas outside. But deep in my mind, there is (Y/N). To be honest, I cannot understand this woman completely. Her thoughts, her personality, everything! The book says she is a merciless monster during battle but here I dicovered that she is a hero that saved numerous lives. I don't know if she's making me pissed off or happy each day.

I wanted to know her more.

To be continued...

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