Loved Away Prt. 2

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As the turtles went out for patrol, Leo couldn't hide his sadness but he didn't show that to his brothers for he doesn't want them to worry about him. They ate pizza together and shared jokes. Leo had smiled once again.

"Thanks guys for making me feel better." Leo said.

"Anything for you, bro.... and for (Y/N)." Raph put his hand on Leo's shoulder.

On the way, Leo had spotted the alley where he and (Y/N) met. His face turned gloomy again but not that long. His brothers had candles on their hands and they gave one to Leo. They lit them up and placed them on the said alley. Donnie knew his plan worked. They had pretended that they're going out for patrol so Leo would join them at their tribute for (Y/N).

"We know this is painful. We have lost one family member." Donnie said.

"Not only you who misses (Y/N), Leo. Us too." Raph continued. "And if you want, we could do this every night. So we could mourn with you." he added.

Leo hugged his three brothers really tight. "Thanks, guys... for everything."

"Awww, we love you bro." Mikey said.

Meanwhile, near on that alley, a girl named (R/N) was walking alone from school. Carrying a heavy backpack with her school stuff in it.

<(R/N)'s POV>

What a day, (R/N). Non-stop seatwork, recitations, activities and projects in just one whole day. Once that I will go back to my apartment, I will go straight to bed.

"AH! Help!" I hear someone calling for help. I found out that the so-called Purple Dragons were about to attack a little girl.

"Help me! Help!" she cried.

I immediately dropped my things and went in between them, protecting the girl. "Don't lay a hand on her!" I warned them. I looked the child and said, "Run, little one. RUN!"

The girl did. Once she had got away, I need to find a chance to get out from these guys. Oh come on, I really entered a big, big trouble. Well, I did the same thing. RUN! I ran for my dear life and went on an alley.

But I had no luck, one of the guys had caught me and I let out a scream. "HELP!"

<Leo's POV>

"HELP!" my brothers and I instantly stopped our tribute when we heard a scream for help. It was coming from the next alley, my brothers and I prepared our weapons as we go.

"Ninjas, move!" I ordered.

<(R/N)'s POV>

Series of punches, kicks, and cuts. That's all I received from them. I couldn't fight back for I don't know how! The next thing I remember that was being thrown on a wall. My head hurts and I can taste my own blood. I couldn't stand up. My whole body was sore.

Suddenly, I hear clashes of weapons. It looks like there are guys who came for help. But no, I loss too much blood and energy. Maybe I will die like this.

"You have a kind heart. You had sacrificed yourself to save a child." a feminine voice said.

"Who are you?" I breathed out. But the voice didn't answer.

Then, a light shone upon me. I feel warmth and peace as my vision turned blurry. I felt a hand placed on my chest where my heart was located. I feel like something is going in to me, making me slip into the darkness.

<Leo's POV>

As my brothers and I took the Purple Dragons down, Raph saw a girl nearby, lying on the alley with blood all around her. Donnie checked her pulse.

"We're too late. She's gone." he said.

"What are we going to do? We can't just leave her like this." Raph said.

But later, her chest started to rise and fall. Donnie check her pulse again.

"I-I-I can't believe it. Her pulse is back." he said.

Then, the girl's eyes shot open and let out a gasp, making us gasp too in surprise. "Miss, are you okay?" I asked her.

"I'm fine. It seems like.... everything just happened like a dream." the girl replied.

"Wait, you're not afraid at us?" Donnie asked.

"Why am I going to be afraid? You guys saved me."

Just then, foot bots had ambushed us . We prepared our weapons and the girl hid behind a trash bin. We fought the bots but we got easily cornered.

"They are too strong!" Mikey said.

But on a blink of an eye, the girl came out and let out a loud cry. She started to attack the footbots—and taking them down at the same time. Her flexibility and her speed is so familiar to me. Now, I got the chance to fight back and so to my brothers.

"Leo, may I borrow your sword?" the girl asked and I let her.

She took out one of my katanas as she sliced the footbots with a backflip like a pro. I know that move. It is just the same as (Y/N)'s! On the blink of eye, the footbots we're all sliced into pieces.

"How did you learn those moves?" Raph asked her.

The girl gave a confused look, "I don't know... I didn't even learn martial arts! I even don't have an idea how I do that." she replied.

"Weird, huh?" Mikey commented.

I looked at her as she returned my katana. She almost remind me of (Y/N). I give her a hand.

"I'm Leonardo. Leo for short. And these are my brothers." I introduced.

"I'm (R/N)." she said as we shook hands.

To be continued...

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