When you trip

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You were returning from a trip to the commoners store, your arms were full of stuff and you couldn't see in front of you. You didn't notice the banana peel the twins placed to prank you...

"Ah, Y/N! Let me help you!" Tamaki started to head your way when you slipped on the banana peel. You fell on him like from a cliche scene in a romance anime. You blushed as Tamaki rubbed his head, which he slammed on the hard floor when he fell. The twins were watching from the corner, trying to keep their laughs quiet.

You both got up and he tried to help gather the spilled supplies that littered the hallway.


Kyoya was in his office, doing his usual thing, typing stuff on his computer. He asked you to get him a cup of coffee. You went into his office, coffee in hand. When your foot caught on a cord on the floor. You tripped, spilling the coffee everywhere. You were VERY embarrassed...

"Ah, I'm so sorry!". You said as you wiped the coffee off the walls and floor.

"Just clean it up... Are you hurt?" Kyoya sighed.

"uhm... yes!" You replied.


You and Hikaru were playing video games.

"I'mma go to the bathroom." You said, pausing the game.

"Okay, could you grab some pretzels while you're up?" Hikaru said.

"Yeah, okay." You got up. Since the room was pretty dark, you didn't see the cord attached to Hikaru's controller. Your foot caught on to the cord and you tripped, yanking out the cord from it's socket.

"Ow... Sorry..." You said, holding your knee that you had fallen on.

"Ohmigod are you okay???" Hikaru said worriedly as he helped you up.

"Yeah... Just a bruise at most." You said. Hikaru replugged the cord and you guys continued playing.


It was the beginning of school. You wanted to ask Kaoru to sit with you at lunch and eat a special bento you had made for him. You seen him turn the corner and you run up to him. You tripped over your own feet and face planted into the sidewalk. Kaoru ran up to you worriedly. He helped you up and you looked down at your damage; Both elbows and knees were scraped badly, and your hands stung.

"Whoa, you really wiped out! We'd better go to the nurse!" Kaoru said, swiping some pebbles off your bloody knees. You had some tears in your eyes as he guided you to the nurse, where you were cleaned and bandaged.


You were hurrying down the stairs because you were late to class. You missed a step and lost balance, falling forward. Mori, out of nowhere, appeared and caught you before you could fall.

"Be careful." Mori said, setting you on your feet.

"Ah, thanks!" You said, kissing him on the cheek.


"Look, Y/N! I'm an airplane!" Hunny said as he ran around the Host club with his arms outstretched.

"Me too!" You said, getting up and doing the same. But since Hunny was so short, you didn't see when he swerved in front of you. You tripped over Hunny and you fell over. Hunny wasn't hurt, but you smacked your head pretty hard.

"Wah! Are you okay Y/N-chan?!" Hunny said as he stuck some bunny-patterned band-aids on you.

"Yeah I'm fine." You smiled.

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