They bake a cake

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'What's that idiot doing now..?' You asked yourself as you watched Tamaki toss various things into a bowl.  You came out from your hiding spot.

"What exactly are you doing?" You ask the blonde, who made a surprised noise.

"A commoners cake!" He re replied.  "It was supposed to be a surprise, but I guess it isn't now."

"Sounds tasty.  Call me when it's done." You said as you left the room.  An hour later you heard Tamaki yell for you from the kitchen.  You entered the room and seen a cake covered in red frosted roses!  He kind of over did it on the frosting though. 

"That thing's huge!" You said, marveling at the 3-tiered cake.  Tamaki smiled and cut a slice out and gave it to you.

"How'd it turn out?" The boy asked as you took a bite of the cake.

"What in the world did you put in this..?" You asked.  It tasted really wacky...

"Just some eggs, flour, sugar, vanilla, hot sauce..." He listed.

"Wait...  Hot sauce?  Why'd you put hot sauce in a cake?" You set the plate down.

"I thought it would add a unique flavor to it, y'know?" Tamaki dug a fork into your unfinished cake and ate it. 

"You're right, this is horrible..." He pushed the cake away.


"Y/N?  Do you know where the sugar is?" You heard Kyoya call from the kitchen.  You entered the room to see Kyoya in an apron and surrounded with baking supplies.

"It should be in this cupboard." You opened the cupboard and handed him the heavy bag of sugar.  "What are you making anyway?"

"I'm testing my baking skills.  My family's company is expanding to the culinary branch." Kyoya poured the sugar into his bowl and stirred it.

"Can I try it when it's done?" You asked him.

"Of course." He replied.  You went and watched TV for awhile.  After and hour or two, the aroma of sweets wafted into the room.

"Y/N, they're all finished." Kyoya called for you from the kitchen.  When you entered the room it was filled with cakes of all kind.  Vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, everything.

"Whoa, how'd you make all this in an hour or two?" You asked, in awe of the excessive amount of cake in the room.

"Skill perhaps?  I don't know." He slid you a plate of cake and you took a bite. 

"This is delicious!" You said, devouring the dessert.  Kyoya smiled in satisfaction.


"What the hell is olive oil?  Sounds nasty." Hikaru said, examining the bottle.

"You put it in the pan so it doesn't stick." You replied, taking the bottle and pouring it in the cake pan.  Hikaru put his hand to his chin, studying what you were doing.

"This baking business seems complicated." He said, pouring some water into the bowl.

"It's actually not that complicated." You said, grabbing some eggs from their carton. "Crack these, will ya?"  Hikaru cautiously grabbed the eggs, making sure not to break them.  Then smacked them on the counter.

"Oh no... You hit them too hard..." You took a napkin and wiped up the eggy mess on the counter.

"You were wrong, cakes are way too complicated.  Let me know when it's done." He said as he left the room.  You didn't mind much, since he kept pestering you with questions and making extra messes to clean.  After the cake was done and frosted, you called Hikaru back.

"Not too bad." Hikaru said, eating the dessert you had made. 


"Hey, Kaoru, look at this cake." You said him, pointing at a very delicious looking triple chocolate cake on your tablet.

"That looks great.  Why don't we make one?" He said, smiling at you.

"You know how to bake?" You asked curiously.

"No... But we'll try." You both got up and went to the kitchen.  After digging through the cabinets, you finally found all of the ingredients.  Kaoru ended up putting the flour in while the stirrer was on, making a large white cloud appear in the room, covering you both in flour.  Then you accidentally set the temperature way too high, burning it.  Then Kaoru didn't have the patience to wait for the cake to cool before frosting it, so the frosting melted off... 

"It doesn't look too pretty, but maybe it tastes okay?" Kaoru sliced into the crisped, dripping cake, and served you both a slice. 

"This...  Actually isn't​'t​ too bad..." You said to the boy, who nodded in response.


"I'm craving cake like crazy..." You told Mori, who sat silently.  Then he got up from the couch and went to the kitchen.  When he returned a few minutes later he had a large slice of cake. 

"Whoa where'd you get that?" You asked, taking a bite out of the cake.

"Baked it." Mori sat back down with you on the couch.

'How'd he bake a cake in such a short period of time..?'  You thought to yourself before dismissing it.


"First you put in the mix...  Then the eggs...  Then water!" Hunny explained as he added in the cakes ingredients.  You warmed up the oven and opened it for the boy, who slid the cake pan into it.  After a few minutes, Hunny took it out of the oven and frosted it masterfully, then gave you a slice.

"Whoa this is amazing!  Thank you!" You said to Hunny, who mumbled a 'Your welcome' through a mouthful if cake.

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