They get dared to use a pick up line on you

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You both sat in the host club like usual. Tamaki was ranting about something or another, while you had your nose in a book on the other side of the room.

"Hey boss," Hikaru slid to Tamaki's side with a devilish smirk on his face.

"Wanna play a commoners game?" Kaoru finished, sliding to Tamaki's other side.

"Oh? What kind of game?" Tamaki asked, interested in learning a new commoners game.

"It's called truth or dare!" The twins said in unison.

"I wanna play!" Tamaki said excitedly.

"So, truth or dare?" They said, leaning on each other's shoulders.

"Um... Dare?" Tamaki held his hand to his chin. The twins smirked wider.

"We dare you to... Use a pick up line on Y/N!" They shoved Tamaki in your direction.

"What? That's a stupid dare..." Tamaki mumbled.

"You have to do it!" Hikaru said.

"Unless..." Kaoru continued.

"You're a chicken!" The twins started making obnoxious chicken noises as Tamaki walked over to you. You glanced up from your book and seen your boyfriend.

"Do you have a map? Because I'm lost in your eyes..." He said, taking your chin in his hands and staring you in the eyes.

"Wow, how cliche." You said, giggling a little. Tamaki was slightly disappointed because the truth was, he thought up that line himself...


"Please mommy! It won't be fun if you don't play!" Tamaki begged to Kyoya, who stood writing in his notebook.

"Truth or Dare is just a game teenagers use to cause mischeif. I want no part in it." Kyoya sighed.

"But it's a commoners game! All commoners games are fun! Please, please, please?" Tamaki latched​ onto Kyoya's leg and begged for him to play. He sighed and snapped his book shut.

"If it'll make you shut your mouth I'll play a round." Kyoya said. Tamaki's eyes brightened, and soon everyone was sitting in a circle to play the game.

"Kyoya! You're first! Truth or Dare?" Tamaki said with bright eyes like an excited puppy.

"Dare..." Kyoya said. Tamaki was about to give a dare to him, but the twins cut him off.

"You have to use a pick up line on Y/N!" They said with a devilish smirk. You glanced over to Kyoya, who continued scribbling in his book.

"Something feels a little off today, would you like to turn me on?" He said, glancing at you as he wrote. You didn't respond and blushed slightly.

"Okay since Kyoya did the dare, Hikaru is next!" Tamaki said, breaking the awkward silence that had arisen.


Hikaru was in the host club with his brother. They both were feeling particularly mischeivious that day, having not pranked the boss in a few days.

"Hey, Kaoru, why don't we go pull something on Y/N." Hikaru said boredly as they sat on a sofa.

"That sounds like a great idea. How about we put wax on the hallway's floor, then ask her to run an errand so that she slips!" Kaoru said while chuckling.

"Nah... She'll definitely find out the prank..." Hikaru said with his hand on his chin.

"Fine then. We do the prank, and if Y/N doesn't fall for it, you have to use a crappy pick up line on her in front of everyone!" Kaoru said confidently.

"Fine!" Hikaru agreed to the bet. They quickly waxed the floor outside the host club and acted like they were busy pleasing guests.

"Hey, Y/N! Can you go get some more instant coffee from the store?" Hikaru called, wrapped in his brother's arms while doing their incestuous shtick.

"Kay, I'll be right back." You said. You opened up the host club's doors and began to slip and slide on the floor. You fell down on your bum.

"Ow... What the hell..?" You said as Kaoru laughed his ass off across the room. Hikaru, annoyed from losing, walked over to you and helped you up.

"So... uh... Is that a phone in your back pocket? Because... That ass is calling me..." He said, blushing slightly.

"No... The uniform doesn't even have a back pocket..." You said, annoyed. You walked away, leaving Hikaru embarrassed.


The Hitachiin twins were up to their usual antics. You sat with Hunny and enjoyed a slice of cake. They'd already pranked Tamaki three times since you'd walked in, and judging by the girlish man scream that came from across the room, the prank count had reached four.

"Y- Y/N..." You heard Kaoru say. You turned around and seen him blushing slightly and rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah?" You said.

"Um... Did you have Lucky charms for breakfast..? Because you look magically delicious..." He said, blushing heavily.

"Hikaru dared you to say that to me, didn't he?" You said. Kaoru would never say something like that...

"Yeah..." He said. He sat next to you while still blushing and ate some cake with you.


You and Mori were sitting on the couch. The twins decided to bother you both again.

"Hey, Mori. We dare you to use a pick up line on Y/N." They said in unison. You ignored them.

"Did you clean your pants with Windex? I can practically see myself in them." He said in a stoic tone. The twins started laughing at him.

"Actually, I washed them with Tide." You said, ignoring the twins.


You and Hunny were sitting at a table eating cake when the twins approached you with devilish smirks on their faces.

"Hey, Hunny." Hikaru said.

"Hm?" Hunny hummed with his mouth full of cake.

"Why don't you use a pick up line on Y/N?" Kaoru said. Hunny put his hand on his chin, thinking if a line.

"I'm no Fred Flintstone, but I can make your bedrock!" He said innocently. You blushed and gave the twins a glare that sent them running.

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