7 minutes in heaven

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The host club was hosting a party at the Hitachiin mansion, and you didn't think twice about coming.  You put on your best party dress and got in your car, which escorted you to the party.  In the car, you made sure your hair and makeup was perfect, and when you exited the car, you made sure your dress was perfect.  Then you walked into the mansion.  You'd never been to a party, let alone with any boys.  Let alone with your crush for that matter.  So you were nervous yet excited at the same time. 

When you walked in, the host club was hosting a few girls, however your crush was free at the moment. 

"This is wonderful!  Now we have enough players to play a game!" Tamaki announced to the few girls who had arrived a little early, including you.

"Let's play seven minutes in heaven!  I heard it's a commoners party game." He said.  Everyone looked at him as if he were insane.  He picked up a box that had been on the table.

"Who want to pick first?" He asked the crowd of girls.  None of them answered.

"How about you, princess~?" He asked, holding the box out to you.  You didn't really have a choice at this point. 


You reached into the box and pulled out a red rose.  You admired the blossom before looking up at Tamaki.

"It looks like you've gotten me!  Kyoya, start the timer!" He called as he led you into the closet and closed the door behind himself.

"Okay!  What's your favorite color?" He asked suddenly. 

"Um...  (Favorite color) I guess..." You answered. 

"What's your favorite food?" He asked again.

"(Favorite animal)?" You replied, confused.

"What's your birthday?" He asked again.

"Why are you asking so many questions..?" You asked, confused.

"Isn't this how the game works..?  The rules stated that you have 7 minutes to 'here to know' your partner..." He explained, putting his hand to his chin.  You debated whether or not to tell him what the rules meant.

"Actually, you're supposed to...  Do things...  In the seven minutes..." You tried to explain as innocently as you could.

"What do you mean 'things'?" He asked.

"Like...  Kissing...  things like that..." You said.  After a second, it clicked into his brain.

"Well why didn't you tell me sooner?" He said before kissing you on the cheek.  You blushed madly.

"Eh?  You're blushing.  Does that mean...  You're falling in love with me?" He asked, tilting your chin up so your eyes met his.

"Um...  Maybe!" You said, panicking.

"What if I told you that I've had a crush on you for a while now?" He said, getting closer.

"I...  Like you too!" You said, blushing at how close you were to his face.

"That's good to hear, my princess..." He said as he kissed you on the lips.  Before he could deepen the kiss, you heard the door open.

"Time's up, boss!" The twins said in unison as they opened the door.  Without knocking of course.  Once they seen you, a smirk creeped onto their faces.

"Could it be..." Hikaru said.

"That you like Y/N-chan here?" Kaoru finished.

"M- Mind your business!" He said, his face as red as a tomato.

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