When he's sick

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"Princess...  If I don't make it... Tell Antoinette I love her..." Tamaki caressed your face weakly. 

"Tamaki, you have a cold.  You're not going to die." You said, pouring some medicine into a cup for him.  "Take this."

"Ah, a love potion?  There's no need for that.  I'm already in love with you, princess..." He pushed the medicine away.

"Drink it and go to bed.  You need to rest." You put the cup in his hand and left the room. 


"Kyoya you're not going to school and that's final." You blocked the door in front of him.  He insisted that he was fine, but he threw up twice just this morning. 

"Y/N, I appreciate your concern, but I'm perfectly​ fine to go to school." He was about to open the door when something overcame him, and he ran to the bathroom for the third time.  You sighed and followed him, getting him a glass of water. 

"You can't leave like this, if you don't stay home then the nurse will send you home without a doubt." You handed him the glasses as he fixed his hair. 

"I suppose you're right..." He chugged the glass and took off his blazer, sitting on his bed.


"Y/N?  Can you refill my glass?" Hikaru called from his bed.  For the past three hours you'd been catering to his every whim.  You didn't mind as long as Hikaru was happy, but you were getting tired.

You refilled his glass with water and gave it to him.  He thanked you and you went back to the couch.  Not five seconds later, he called again.

"Y/N?  Can you turn the air conditioner up?" He coughed.

"Sorry, it doesn't go any higher than this." You were already under a mountain of blankets, but it was still freezing.

"Then can you get me some ice packs?" He called again.  You got up and grabbed every single ice pack in the freezer (which was a lot) and placed them around him.  He thanked you once more and you returned to the couch.  Only to be summoned again.

"Y/N?  Can you make me something to eat?" You once again got up, this time going to the kitchen.  You made him a bowl of soup and gave it to the ginger- who was covered in blankets and ice packs.  He thanked you and you sat back on the couch. 

"Hey, Y/N?  This spoon is dull.  Can you grab a different one?" You got up once more to fill his needs. 

This continued for three days, until he got better.


"Y/N, go to school.  I dont want you to miss work because of me..." Kaoru said.  You were trying to cuddle with him while watching a movie, but he insisted that he would be fine alone and that you should leave. 

"No way!  I'm going to be at your side until the second you're better!" You hugged his arm.

"Fine... Just let me ask Hikaru to get our schoolwork then." He settled and grabbed his phone.


"Go make sure Hunny brushes his teeth, okay?" Mori was trying to push you.  He was worried about you and Hunny, and wanted you to go to accompany him.

"No!  You took good care of me when I was sick, so I'll do the same!" You sat on the bed and waited for him to join you.  He sighed and complied.


"Y/N!  Usa-chan says it's too hot!  Can you turn the air conditioner on more?" He said, showing you the pink bunny, who had a thermometer in his mouth and a towel on his head.

"Of course." You pressed some buttons and shivered at the cool breeze.  You pulled your blanket on further.  You and Hunny decided to stay home and play since he was sick. 

"Sorry to tell you, but it's time again for your medicine." You said, pouring the medicine into a cup. 

"But Y/N-chan!  It's way too bitter!" He begged.  You set the cup on the table in front of him.

"I'll get you a big slice of cake if you drink it." You bribed.

"Nope!" He smugly said.

"...With extra strawberries." You added.

"Deal!" He then drank the bitter substance and shivered. 

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