You catch him singing

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You arrived home from the store and heard Tamaki's voice from down the hall.  You set the produce down and left to investigate. 

"Let it gooooo!  Let it gooo!  I will rise like the break of dawn!" You walked in to Frozen being played on the TV, and Tamaki standing up on the couch jumping around.  When he spotted you he quickly sat back down.

"Hey, want to watch a movie with me?  Although, I doubt any of these Disney princesses can't even compare to your beauty~" He said casually.  You giggled a little at sat down, watching the rest of the movie with him.


You were blissfully sleeping when you were awoken by a voice.

"Kiss kiss fall in love..." You heard you boyfriend sing from his desk across the room.  (Top 10 4th Wall Breaks In Anime)

"Kyoya... Your voice is great and all, but I'm trying to sleep..." You mumbled.  He flinched and stopped singing immediately.  You smiled under the cover of your blanket.


You received a call from your boyfriend.  He had left to get groceries shortly earlier.  Maybe he forgot something?  You answered your phone...

"SHE WANTS ME IN THE PARTY!  SHE WANTS ME IN THE HALL!  SHE WANTS ME IN THE BATHROOM STALL!" You heard Hikaru singing on the other line.  You hung up confused and called him back. 

"Hello?" He said casually, the song still being audible in the background.

"Why'd you call me singing?" You asked.

"What are you talking about?" You could hear his tone start to change as he realized what he may have done.

"Actually, Never mind..." You hung up, leaving him embarrassed.


You really needed to use the bathroom, but Kaoru was in the shower.  He'd been in there for at least an hour, so you decided to knock on the door.  But you halted after you heard singing.

"IIII WANT TO SWIIIING FROM THE CHANDELIER!" You heard Kaoru practically scream.  You fell back into the couch and laughed until your sides hurt.  After you regained the ability to keep a straight face, Kaoru walked out of the bathroom.

"Kaoru, we don't even own a chandelier..." You said, making him blush.

"Sh- Shut up!" He said, embarrassed.


You had your headphones on and was watching YouTube.  In between two videos, you heard soft singing coming from Mori.

"Hello kitty kitty you're so pretty pretty..." You started laughing, which made Mori immediately stop. 


You awoke to the sound of Hunny singing in the kitchen. 

"Pink fluffy unicorns prancing on rainbows!" He repeated over and over again, ice cream cone in hand.  You decided to interrupt him.

"Hey, Hunny, Is that a waffle cone?" You asked.  He wasn't phased by being caught.

"Yes it is!  Try some!" He gave you an ice cream cone.

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