You have a nightmare

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Tamaki was sleeping peacefully when he heard you gasp and scream. 

"Y/N..?" He says sleepily. 

"Sorry...  I had a nightmare..." You said, embarrassed that you'd woken him up for such a rediculous reason.

"It's okay...  Don't be afraid, princess...  I'll be here..." He kisses your forehead and goes back to sleep.


You were having a really bad nightmare and woke up gasping and struggling to breathe.  Kyoya woke up from the sudden noise and turned towards you.

"You okay?" He asked, still half asleep.

"Yeah...  Just a nightmare..." You said.

"Okay..." He said, falling asleep again. 


You were having a nightmare and woke up gasping for breath.  Hikaru was still awake, playing games on his phone.

"Y- Y/N!  What's wrong?" He said, holding you.

"I- I'm sorry...  I had a nightmare..." You said, blushing in embarrassment.

"It's okay..." He said, caressing your face.  He put his phone away and cuddled with you.


You woke up and screamed, gasping for air.  Kaoru woke up startled.

"Y/N?  What's wrong?" He asked, yawning.

"Sorry, it's just a nightmare." You yawned and layed back down.  You felt Kaoru wrap his arms around you before you fell asleep.


You woke up and screamed.  Mori, being a light sleeper, was easily woken up.   He looked at you and made sure you were okay, then kissed your forehead and went back to sleep.


You woke up and screamed after experiencing a horrible nightmare.

"Y/N?  Are you okay?" Hunny said, rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah...  Just a nightmare..." You said, holding him close to you and falling back asleep.

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