They break something of yours

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You were working late into the night on the project for the science fair.  You checked the clock and noticed it was after midnight, so you left your project on the floor and decided to go to bed.  Early the next morning, Tamaki burst into your room and tripped on the model volcano you'd left on the floor.  His face lost its color as he looked down at his foot, which crushed and ruined the project.  You heard the crunching noise and looked over to see your hard work ruined.  You gasped and shot up, running to your volcano and examining it.

"I'M SO SORRY Y/N PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!!" He bawled onto your shoulder and tried to put the pieces of your project back together.  You sighed and set your remains back down.

"It's okay I guess...  I still have a week until the fair..." You tossed out the ruined model.  Tamaki helped you make another one later.


You were laying down on your bed messing around on your phone.  You left to use the bathroom.  While you were in there, Kyoya walked in and decided to make the bed.  Not knowing your phone was there, he yanked the blanket off, which sent your phone crashing to the floor.  He heard a cracking noise and looked down to see your phone on the floor with a shattered screen.  He cursed himself under his breath and picked it up, taking it with him to his office.  He sat in his chair and looked through his contacts, choosing the appropriate one and calling it. 

Meanwhile, you got out of the bathroom and found the blanket on the floor.  You searched around for your phone but couldn't find it.  Maybe Kyoya moved it?  You walked to his office to find out.

"Kyoya?  Do you know where my phone is?" You asked with the door open a crack.  Kyoya pulled out your phone from his pocket and gave it to you. 

"Thanks..." You took your phone and something seemed different...  almost like the screen didn't have the scratches and smears that you remembered being there before.  You ignored it and left.


You left to go to the grocery store.  Hikaru stayed home.  He was walking across the room when he tripped on a cord, which caused something to be ripped off your desk and fall to the floor.  Hikaru heard the concerning thud and turned around, to find your laptop on the floor.  He ran over to it and opened it up.  Some of the keys popped off and there was a crack that stemmed from the corner.  He cursed to himself and started to panic. 

You got into your car and looked for you keys in your purse, but you realized you'd forgotten them.  You went inside to get them. 

"Hikaru?!  You know where the keys are!?" You called.  He walked out of your room with his hands behind his back, as if he was holding something.

"Try on the kitchen counter." He didn't leave his spot.  You looked over and seen the keys.  You grabbed them, but before you left you asked him a question.

"What's behind your back?" You tried to look behind him but he dodged your view.  It all seemed pretty suspicious...  He walked out of your room with something he didn't want you to see...

"Nothing!  Just leave!"  He backed up.

"Cmon just tell me." You got closer.

"No!  Trust me it's nothing!" He backed up some more.  You finally got around him and seen your damaged laptop.

"Is that my laptop?!  What did you do?!" You grabbed it from him and looked at it.

"I tripped!  I'm sorry!  I'll buy you a new one!"  He crossed his arms.

"Fine..." You set the laptop on the table and left.  He bought you a new laptop later.


Kaoru was doing laundry while you were gone.  He was unloading the dryer and pulled out one of your dresses.  Suddenly, a ripping sound came from the dryer, and he looked over to see your dress ripped.  It had gotten stuck in the dryer.  He started to panic and just buried it in your laundry, hoping you would make some excuse for it.  He set your basket in your room for you to fold when you got home.

When you got home, Kaoru seemed nervous.  You brushed it off and went to your room and started folding your laundry.  You noticed your dress was ripped. 

"Kaoru?!" You called him into your room.  He nervously came in.

"What's wrong..?" He knew what was coming.

"Why's  my dress ripped?" You held up the clothing.

"I dunno..." He looked down.

"You were the one who did the laundry...  Did you put it in the dryer?" You looked at him.

"Yeah..." He admitted.

"That's a shame...  Next time just read the tags on stuff like this..." You tossed the ripped dress in the trash.  He later bought you another one.


Mori was practicing his martial arts in your living room, since that was the most spacious room in the house.  He wasn't  paying attention to his surroundings and accidentally punched a hole in the wall.  He looked at it in horror.  He quickly ran to the garage and grabbed the supplies to fix the hole.  For the next two hours he worked on that wall.  You didn't even notice until you smelled the scent of paint.  But you couldn't quite pinpoint from where.


Hunny was getting himself a slice of cake.  He looked in the cupboard by there were no plates inside.  He looked around and noticed your China cabinet.  He opened it up and took out a fancy plate, then served himself a slice of cake.  He skipped into the dining room but tripped over Usa-chan who was laying on the floor.  The plate crashed to the floor, shattering into a million pieces.  Hunny's eyes started to water as he tried to piece together the broken china.

"Hunny?  What was that noise?" You came in and seen him sitting on the floor.

"I'm so sorry Y/N chan it was an accident!" He tackled you and bawled his eyes out.

"It's okay Hunny...  there's still more plates in the cabinet..." You grabbed the broom and swept up the broken plate.  Hunny sat and sniffled while hugging Usa-chan to his chest.

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