They find out you're not human (OC)

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// This one was a request for someones OC, enjoy!


Jessica snuck out of the house during the night, running into the woods.  Her curly black hair blew in the wind as she ran into a clearing.  She stared at the moonlit sky before transforming into a wolf.  Just then, someone called her name-

"Jessica!- Wh- What happened to you?!" It was Tamaki.  He'd seen her go outside and decided to follow her, all the way into the woods.

"Tamaki?  I'm sorry for not telling you..." The pale girl walked up to the blonde boy. "I'm not human."

"Princess...  That doesn't really matter.  I love you either way..." Tamaki knelt down to the wolf's level and kissed her head.


Jessica tossed and turned in her bed restlessly.  After covering her head with the blanket, she transformed into her wolf form and curled up, finally getting comfortable.  Kyoya was sleeping beside her, and felt a tail swish against his leg.  However they didn't own a dog, and certainly their pet spider wasn't the culprit.  He threw back the covers and revealed a wolf in his bed!  He quickly scrambled out of bed, which woke up Jessica.  She transformed back into her human form while Kyoya sat in awe.

"Is this... Normal for you?" He asked the girl, who nodded in the moonlight.

"That's quite odd, but I'm not going to judge." Kyoya layed back into bed and threw the blankets over you both.


Jessica and Hikaru were the first in line for Black Friday.  They planned to stay up all night.  It wasn't too cold out either, just cold enough.

"You memorized the map, right?" Hikaru asked Jessica.  She nodded in response.

"Good.  We shouldn't have any problems then." He said.  After a brief silence, Jessica looked up at the full moon and, unknowingly, transformed into a wolf.

"J- Jessica?!  What?!  How..." The boy awed at the supernatural event that had occurred.

"Oh, I'm a wolf by the way." She said to the him.  He stared for a while.

"It's not polite to stare." She broke the awkward silence.

"Y- Yeah... Of course..." Hikaru went to his phone and dismissed the wolf next to him.


"The outdoors is great, isn't it?" Kaoru asked the girl.  They were staring out at a lake that they'd hiked out to.

"Its too hot out here." The pale girl replied.

"Why don't we go for a swim then?" Kaoru pulled his clothes off, where he was wearing a swim suit.  Then dove into the lake.  Jessica stood at the edge of the lake, staring at the water.

"Aren't you goin to join me?" Kaoru reached out to her from inside the lake.  The problem was, she didn't have a swimsuit, and she surely wasn't going to swim in her underwear.  So she decided to transform into her wolf form.

"Whoa... How'd you do that..?" The ginger asked.  The wolf didn't reply and just jumped into the water with Kaoru.  "I guess it doesn't really matter." He said, playing with the wolf in the lake.


Mori always sensed something was different about Jessica.  He couldn't quite put his finger in it, until now.

Jessica ran to the store alone today.  She was carrying her bags and walking down the street when a group of boys pushed her over.  Meanwhile, Mori was looking out the window.  Once the boys started causing trouble he ran to her aid, only to find a wolf!  After a little tussle between the boys and Mori, Jessica transformed out if her wolf form. 

"Let's get home." Mori told Jessica, helping to pick up the bags she had dropped.  Mori didn't really care about whether Jessica was human or animal, he would be loyal to her either way.


Jessica sipped her tea and conversed with the stuffed animals around Hunny's room.  She had agreed to play tea party with Hunny.   She spotted a wolf plush next to her, and unknowingly transformed into it.

"JESSICA-CHAN YOU'RE A WOLF THAT'S AMAZING!!!" Hunny said, spilling his tea as he got up to cuddle her.  She licked Hunny's cheek before transforming back to clean up after Hunny's mess.

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