They give you a present

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"My sweet princess!  Your king got you something special at the mall today!" Tamaki tackled you with a sparkly gift bag in his hand. 

"Oh?  What is it?" You asked curiously inspecting the bag. 

"Open it!  Open it!" He eagerly shouted, handing it to you.  You opened the bag and reached in.  You felt something slightly sharp.  You pulled it out to see a beautiful diamond tiara!

You smiled and admired the sparkly diamonds, then placed in on your head.  Tamaki squeeled and tackled you again. 


"Y/N?  Can you spare a moment?" Kyoya called from the doorway.  You got up and followed him to the kitchen, where a rather large gift bag was placed on the table. 

"What's that?" You asked curiously.

"A present.  For you." He replied.  You peered inside the bag and seen a box.  You took it out and seen that it was a new laptop!  You gasped and thanked him. 

"You told me that mine was so nice, so I got one for you." He smiled and kissed your forehead.


"Hey, Y/N?  Do you have this?" Hikaru asked, pointing to his laptop.  On the screen was a (favorite character) figurine. 

"Nope." You said.  It had a heavy price tag too, so you'd never possibly be able to afford it-

"In that case, here you go!" He handed you the same figurine, still in its box. 

"Wha- Thank you!" You eagerly grabbed the box, admiring it.  He smiled. 


"Hey, Y/N, I think this would look great on you." Kaoru handed you a bag.  You reached inside and pulled out a cute lacy white dress.

"I love it!  I'm going to go try it on!" You left to the bedroom and closed the door.  When you opened it you had the dress on, and Kaoru smiled and kissed your cheek.


"Y/N, take this." Mori said, giving you a box.  He blushed slightly.

You took the box and opened it.  Inside was a necklace with a heart shaped locket.  You opened it and seen a picture of you and Mori inside. 

"Aw!  Thank you, Mori!" You smiled and hugged the tall boy.  You pulled your hair back and turned around as he put the necklace on you.


"Y/N!  I got you something!" Hunny ran up to you, holding something awkwardly behind his back. 

"What is it?" You asked, trying to peek around him.

"It's a cupcake!" Hunny put the gigantic cupcake in your hands.

"Whoa this thing weighs like 10 pounds!  I can't possibly eat it by myself!" You said, admiring the fancy frosting work on the cake. 

"I can fix that!" Hunny said, starting to gobble up the cake.  You followed, and eventually the cake was gone, and you both sat tired on the floor.

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