How he sleeps

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You're the little spoon and he's the big spoon.  He loves to cuddle and play with your hair until he falls asleep too.  Sometimes he talks in his sleep and it's quite funny.


He has his half, you have yours.  There's almost no in between.  But if you start cuddling him he won't stop you.


He tosses and turns all night.  Usually you wake up and the bed is a mess.  He snores lightly in his sleep and he sometimes mumbles incomprehensible words in his sleep, but it's extremely rare.


He's the most normal sleeper out of all the hosts.  There's nothing special about him.  Well, he hates sleeping in a hot environment, but isn't that normal?


He sleeps in one position all night.  It's usually on his back.  He doesn't make the first move towards cuddling, but if you move first, he's more than happy to cuddle.


He's usually hugging Usa-chan and snuggling up to you.  He likes to have extra pillows and blankets too. 

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