He lashes out at you

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You went out in the middle of the night on a snack run. When you got back, you found Tamaki running around the house, frantically looking for you.

"Y/n! I was worried sick! Where were you?!" He ran up to you.

"Just a snack run." You started to take your snacks out of the bag.

"What were you thinking?! You're a just a girl! You could've gotten yourself hurt!" He started yelling at you.

"Are you saying girls can't defend themselves?" You started to get irritated with him.

"Well... No... But you surely couldn't defend yourself from a bad man!" He said.

"You underestimate me." You took your snacks and started walking to the living room, angry at him.

"She's such an idiot sometimes..." He whispered under his breath to himself, but you clearly heard it. You decided to lock yourself in your room to boil.


You had to study for a very important test tomorrow. You had no idea what you were doing and Kyoya was your only hope. But he was busy working. You'd been begging him for over an hour when he finally snapped.

"Pretty please?" You looked at Kyoya with puppy dog eyes.

"No! Go away! I'm busy!" He said, annoyed. You were a little intimidated by his tone and backed off.


Yesterday, Hikaru thought it would be funny to prank you with the ol plastic wrap tripwire trick. Today you were getting revenge. Before Hikaru got up, you placed a small price of tape over the faucet so that the water would spray in his face. Everything was going to plan, Hikaru got up and went to the bathroom and you suddenly heard him yell a curse word loudly. You were expecting him to be irritated and laugh it off in the end, but this time he didn't.

"What the hell, Y/n?! My phone was on the counter!" He came storming out of the bathroom, trying to turn his wet phone on.

"Should've water proofed it then." You tried to hold back your smile. You glanced over and seen Hikaru throw his phone on the hard floor, cracking it. Then he stormed off, leaving you a little scared.


You and Kaoru were messing around with need guns. You were chasing him around his mansion and he ran into the TV room. You prevented him from running out of the room and started pelting him with the foam bullets. They stuck to everything from the walls to the chairs to the TV. You weren't being aware of your surroundings and shot at the TV in the wrong place, making it fall to the floor.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" You gasped. Kaoru looked behind him to see his nice big flat screen TV cracked in the corner.

"What the hell?! You fucking dumbass!" He yelled at you. Usually Kaoru didn't get mad easily, but you really done it this time...

"I'm really sorry! I-I'll try to pay for it I promise!" You apologized profusely. Kaoru knew it was just an accident and he was also misbehaving, but he was just overwhelmed with frustration. He quietly left and isolated himself in his room.


Mori had brought home a stray cat. She was a little hurt and he told you to be gentle with her. You were sitting on the floor and playing with her a little too rough.

"You're so cute!" You hugged the kitten in your arms.

"That's enough for now, Y/n." He said, taking the cat and putting her in the box for the night.

// This is the closest I think Mori will get to lashing out lol...


"But I want it!" Hunny yelled at you. He has been begging for another cookie for hours now. But he'd already eaten 12 boxes so you were worried for his health.

"No, Hunny. You've had enough." You said sternly, washing some dishes.

"Ugh! I hate you!" He stomped off. You knew he was just frustrated and didn't mean it, so you weren't too fazed.

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